3. What about him?

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The winter break went by very quickly. Nothing interesting happened.

Ah! Except for one thing. My aunt moved in with us for a while because of her work with her two children.

I have two cousins. One is 9 years old, his name is James. The other is 5 years old and her name is Layla.

I was glad that I wouldn't be alone. True, I have Sara here, but she prefers to hang out with Felice. And my mother works quite a lot. So I thought a little company couldn't be so bad.

Ah... I was wrong. Since everyone is busy, I have to take care of the children. It's quite strange to say that, because officially I'm still a child. But it's even weirder to take care of two children who are constantly busy.

Simon's day with the two kid
I slept quietly in my bed. Finally, I wasn't thinking about Will. I had a pretty peaceful dream.

Of course, all good things come to an end, but that's not how I imagined it. James and Layla specifically jumped on me.

-Sim! Come on, get up-laughed Layla
- Yes! We're bored! - James joined in
"Five minutes?" I asked. I guess they won't let me sleep yet. Why would they?
-No! We want to play!- Oh shit.
-OK it is good. I'm coming - I tried to get out of bed. Phew, I've never had a morning like this before.

-Go and pack up in your room while I change my clothes!- I tried to get them to leave my room so that I could change my clothes as I was standing here in front of them in only a pair of sweatpants.

Last night they left a big mess. Since they were quite sleepy, I didn't scold them with this. I'm (as everyone knows) pretty lazy, so I didn't feel like tidying up.

They nodded and walked out of my room.
I quickly grabbed a hoodie and another warmer (because why not) and followed them.

- As I can see, the packing didn't go very well - I laughed. The two small kids were sitting in the middle of the messy room and did nothing.
- I'll help you - I started packing

After a while

We are here in the kitchen and I am trying to put together some breakfast. Well, I gave up.
I found a muesli box on one of the shelves.

-How about eating muesli for breakfast instead?
-Good for me!
-Me too!
- It's fine, I'll bring it right away.
I put the breakfast in front of them and was about to sit down on the couch but someone rang the bell.
-Ahhh. I'm coming! I shouted

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a red-haired boy standing in front of the door. He jumped right in. He's the new neighbor. Ace. We met a few days ago and he seems like a pretty cool guy. We got along pretty good.

- Hi.. How are you here? - I asked
- Uh.. I thought I'd ask if I could help with something. I saw through the window that the child care was not going well- he said quite awkwardly.
-Okay. I would need it anyway - I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.
-Come in calmly

- James, Layla. This is Ace, a good friend of mine. He will also play with us today
"Hi!" they said at the same time

After Layla and James had breakfast, we went for ice cream. It was Ace's idea, of course. He's pretty good with kids.

-So.. what flavor did you ask for?
-Vanillia!-said James
-Chocolate!-Layla snapped
- And you?-asked Ace
- Uhm..Apple.You?
-Ummm. I think blueberry.
-Okay. How much will that be?
-AaAh!- Ace took my hand- I'll pay!
- No Simon! It was my idea.

After we got our ice cream, we sat down at a small table. I was just talking to the two little kids when Ace grabbed my chin and turned it towards me.
"Your nose is red," he said and wiped it. I felt my face getting more in a darker shade. I tried to laugh it off, but I think I looked like an idiot.
-Aah.. thank you

The day slowly ended. It was pretty good. But what was that ice cream thing... Why on earth did I blush?!
Why do I feel guilty? After all... I can blush. Wille and I broke up. It's true that I didn't want to, but it still happened. I do not know what to do.

Hey! What do you guys think of Ace? (I pretty much hate him :)) Thanks for reading! If you liked it, please comment and vote! ❤

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