4. Instagram

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Wilhelm's POV:

Today is the last day of winter break. When I think that I have to go to school tomorrow, I immediately break down. I wonder what they might think of me? That's not what matters. I wonder what He might think of me?
I spent the whole afternoon stressing. Moreover, not only today. I rested quite well, didn't I?
The worst part is that even music doesn't help me turn off my brain. Ahhh. I don't know what to do with myself. It feels like I started a movie and then I can't turn it off. It's never over, but if I get lost somewhere, I can screw it up. I tried to draw. Yes, to draw. I didn't become an artist, but I have to admit that it didn't go so badly. I tried to draw a flower. True, the end result looked more like a random car wheel, but that's okay. I felt like when I was 5 years old, I couldn't wait for my parents to get home from some interview and I tried to keep myself busy. After an hour and a half of random drawing and watching movies, I decided to go online and see what's going on in the world. As soon as I entered Instagram, I accidentally clicked on Simon's profile (Yes, I typed it in the search engine by accident...).
At least this way I can prepare for what it will be like to meet him again.

Simon Eriksson

Thxx @its_really_ace for the ice cream❤️❤️

Ahh... So he must be dating someone else now. Who the hell is "Ace"?! Never heard of it in my life. I clicked on "Ace's" profile. Perfect. Of course, that's exactly what I needed today. Who else would Simon date, if not him?! Everything is different from me. "Of course, I am the crown prince. I have everything." Yeah sure. Simon is not mine and that's all I care about. Shit... I feel a panic attack coming on again. I accidentally double clicked on the perfect picture of "Ace". Shit... Okay, there's nothing I can do now. Right?

Simon's POV:





S: What happened?

A: The prince liked one of my pictures... AGHH

                    S: I mean.. WILHELM?! The Swedish prince?

A: Yes, you bastard! xd

                    S: Umm...GRATE! PROUD OF U THO-!


I don't know what the hell happened. Wilhelm... As soon as I thought about it, my heart sank a little. Did Wille see my post then? So he cares about how I am?! No, he must have just wanted to block me. But what was he looking for on Ace's site..? Why is he interested in some random boy? Why am I freaking out now anyway?! Okay, now I seriously don't understand myself. Maybe he thinks we're dating. But then why did he liked Ace's picture? True, Ace is completely different from me. He's sure to like him. Shit. My heart is about to jump out of place. Right... SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW?! SHITT. I'm meeting the Crown Prince tomorrow. I will sing to him again. Seriously?!

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this episode! Sorry, I haven't posted much lately, I've just been really busy. I promise, I'll try to write more now!

𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮- Young RoyalsWhere stories live. Discover now