Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

    All the way from the side of the road downstairs to the teahouse upstairs, Gu Xiaofang hardly spoke, and seemed a little lost.

    This is because since meeting Wen Zhiwen, his mind has been in a state of extreme confusion.

    Gu Xiaofang really couldn't figure out how a netizen whom she had always thought was a little brother who was still studying suddenly turned into a young woman who was so beautiful and dazzling that people dared not look at her more.

    What's even more dramatic is that the woman's husband suddenly appeared with a stinky face.

    Gu Xiaofang was so frightened on the spot that she almost thought that she was involved in some kind of sexual incident. Obviously, he is a very law-abiding and good citizen no matter in reality or on the Internet.

    It wasn't until Wen Zhiwen's words that Gu Xiaofang figured out what was going on.

    Wen Zhiwen saw Gu Xiaofang who was still out of the situation, and realized that this person might also know nothing, so he took the initiative to introduce: "That Mr. Gu, right? My name is Wen Zhiwen, and my husband Yu Huaiyan is next to me. We are Yu Jin, that is, the elder brother and sister-in-law of the YJ you are chatting with." "

    Xiao Jin is more interested in the website you make, and intends to support you, can you tell us more about the website you want to build?"

    "By the way, is it convenient for me to record the audio during the conversation? Xiao Jin also wants to listen to it." Wen Zhiwen took out the recorder that she bought at a high price in her bag.

    Gu Xiaofang's mind was still a little confused, but he still nodded: "Yes."

    After getting the consent, Wen Zhiwen's impression of Gu Xiaofang improved a lot.

    Just when he was about to speak, he noticed Yu Huaiyan next to him, so he tugged on his sleeve flatteringly, and said, "Honey, why don't you ask?"

    Yu Huaiyan didn't refuse, and waited for Gu Xiaofang to speak.

    Gu Xiaofang finally realized that the couple in front of her, oh no, the netizen who was him seemed to really want to support him!

    This time Gu Xiaofang came out to meet netizens, but she didn't really have any expectations in her heart.

    Before that, he had the cheek to go to some rich bosses in Beishi, but he was either driven out, or the other party laughed at him for his whims after listening to his ideas.

    Frustrated, Gu Xiaofang casually posted some news on the Internet.

    But most of the people he attracted were calling him a liar, or making fun of him.

    Over time, Gu Xiaofang began to doubt herself.

    When I met Yu Jin on the Internet, Gu Xiaofang had already given up, and was going to leave Beishi to work in another city to make money, and start again after saving enough money.

    The reason for agreeing to meet Yu Jin is because the two can chat better online, so Gu Xiaofang treats it as a friend.

    Gu Xiaofang never expected that things would turn around.

    Fortunately, he is a serious person. Although he had no hope of meeting Yu Jin, he still brought the materials he usually prepared when looking for investment.

    Now that she had the opportunity, Gu Xiaofang immediately settled down, faced Yu Huaiyan's very stressful eyes, and began to introduce herself and the website she wanted to build.

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