Please Don't Go Where I Can't Follow

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The next few days passed in a blur.
Having no clue how to handle the fact that something was growing inside of her, Charley just buried herself in work, thereby giving herself no time to think.
No time to feel.
It wasn't healthy, she knew it wasn't, but it was all she could do.
As it turned out, that whole ostrich policy wasn't so bad, after all.
It at least helped her to get through the days without having a serious mental breakdown, and since she exhausted herself during the day, it also helped her through the nights.
Of course, she was highly aware of the fact that she couldn't go on like this forever.
There would come a time that she had to face reality, it was merely inevitable.
But now wasn't that time.
Oh no.
It sure as hell wasn't.

What she also knew was that the guys, but mostly Vinnie, were worried about her.
They seemed to realize something was up with her, something that went beyond a simple period, but they had no idea how to get through to her.
Not even Vinnie with that mouthwatering sexy and overwhelming presence of his was able to break through her walls.
A typical case of 'the lights are on but nobody's home', and it severely annoyed him.
What he didn't know was that she didn't shut him out on purpose.
She just didn't have a choice, in fact, sometimes she hardly noticed that she did.
All she was focused on was her work.
On fixing things, because that was what she was good at.
And so, the days went by without her really noticing.
It wasn't until a week after her shocking discovery that she fell off her not-so-pink cloud.
And oh boy, the landing was anything but soft.


"Please, Mister M., trust me when I say that I fixed everything that was there to fix. Your bike is in perfect shape..."

"But it's making this strange noise when I start the engine, and I'm telling you, there's something wrong with the sparkplugs..."

"We replaced the spark plugs weeks ago, so..."

"Then do it again."

"Like I've already explained earlier, the plugs are out of stock due to some serious supply problems at the moment. I won't have them until next week, besides, the plugs are fine. In fact, the entire bike is fi..."

"Let me explain to you how this works, Miss Davidson. You are what society calls a service provider, and I am a customer. You have only one job and that is providing service to the customer. So if I want those spark plugs replaced, you replace them without getting all smart. It really is that simple."

Charley gritted her teeth as she tightened her grip around the phone.
It was almost a gift how this man always managed to get under her skin, and with everything that was going on right now, only listening to the derogatory tone of his voice made her almost ignite on the spot.
She couldn't deal with this right now, not even the slightest, but she had to stay calm.
Deep down she knew that in a way, the guy was right, at least about how things worked with providing service to customers since they were the ones willing to pay for it.
But the thing was, she wasn't just a 'service provider'.
She was way more than that.
People didn't pay for her service, they paid for her expertise.
After all, she was one of the best mechanics in Chi-Town, having tons of experience and so if she said that the bike was fine, it was.
In her humble opinion, that was as simple as that.
Him treating her like she was just a rookie, as if she had no idea what she was talking about infuriated her beyond words.
Like it always did when people didn't take her seriously.
She really hated that feeling.

But, as the man so kindly pointed out to her, thought maybe in other words, the bills had to be paid.
Next to that, she had a reputation to maintain, and thus, she swallowed away her pride, although it cost her greatly.
"Okay, if that's what you want. I'll call you as soon as the spark plugs are back in stock so we can make an appointment", she said as politely as she could muster right now, but her voice was slightly trembling, giving away her annoyance.
And of course, Mister M. picked it up effortlessly, and he scoffed in the most patronizing way possible, which was actually quite impressive.
You know, to make air leaving his mouth sound so nasty, giving her goosebumps all over her body, and no, not in a good way.
It felt more as though her blood just turned into boiling lava, and she clenched her teeth to stop herself from saying something stupid.

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