Everyone Has A Breaking Point

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It was strange, actually, what silence could do to a person.
Especially a silence such as this one.
It somehow made Charley forget how to breathe as it pressed on her entire body like a leaden blanket.
Or maybe it was just because someone was holding her at gunpoint.
The fact that that someone wasn't human made it even more complicated.
They say there's a first time for everything and of course, that's true.
But there are certain things in life one didn't want to experience and if Charley had to guess, this was one of those things.

"Who are you? And who do you work for?", the tan-furred alien with a bad mood demanded, thereby breaking the silence with his unique voice.
After reading many novels, as the secretly hopeless romantic she was, Charley always thought that a guy with a husky voice such as Throttle's was like a dream, using the mysterious sound of this particular voice to bring the lady in question to a whole other dimension, but as always, reality was so much different.
So much uglier.
Because right now, all he was to her was nightmare material instead of some wet dream of a lonely female writer and she swallowed with difficulty, not able to take her gaze away from the gun he was still aiming at her.

The finding that his hand didn't even slightly tremble made her even more terrified, knowing he wasn't fooling around here and that he really wanted her to answer his questions without even thinking about lying.
Well, it was all she ever wanted as well.
But she just clammed up like an oyster protecting its pearl.
Luckily, there were persons present in this room who weren't as easily frightened by seeing a gun as she was.
In fact, it seemed to have a whole other effect on them and it had nothing to do with fear but all with anger.

Again, a gust of wind was all she felt before his scent whirled through the air around her and soon thereafter, Vinnie blocked the view of the gun and its owner by positioning himself in front of her.
Even though she couldn't see his face, for he was standing with his back towards her, she could almost feel his anger coming off his body like waves of electricity, waves so powerful that it made a shiver run down her spine, and that while she wasn't even the casualty of his anger.
Thank god she wasn't.

"You better put that away, bro. Someone might get hurt... if ya know what I mean..."
And there was that voice again.
But it sounded even more threatening now, which reminded her of one of those documentaries about wolves she had seen on Discovery Channel.
Or well, about the part where the voice actor told the bored viewers that wolves acted on primal instinct and primal instinct only.

Perhaps now wasn't really the right time to think about some vague wildlife documentary, after all, there were more pressing matters going on right now, but it somehow helped her to calm down a bit.
Because apparently, not only wolves liked to follow their primal instinct.
As it turned out, mice from outer space did as well.
He really cared for her, now did he?
What a strange feeling.
To have someone around who would even catch a bullet for her.

But her beloved white-furred hero wasn't the only one who clearly thought that their fearless leader was crossing a line here, for another low voice joined the conversation which was hardly a conversation, but more like a 'throwing threats to each other's heads competition'.
Well, what do you know...
She made a rhyme.
"I'm with Vinnie in this one, Throttle. You're my bro and I respect ya, but this... this ain't how you treat a lady... Most certainly not in my presence", Modo told his suspicious leader as he popped up next to Vinnie, also with his back towards her.
The testosterone levels were way too high here.
It sure as hell didn't help Charley with snapping out of this trap of mortal fear which she was currently stuck in, all helpless, not even while the two others were obviously on her side in this one.
This was most uncomfortable, not to mention inconvenient.

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