Ch. 22: I Got You

Start from the beginning


to the grave we go 🤞

jimmy laughed at 'to the grave we go 🤞'

tell her that i'm gonna get up and stretch once the movie's over

i have about an hour and a half left 


she said to make sure that you're eating too

(i'll have you know she doesn't give me this much energy when im feeling under the weather so you should feel special)

kai laughed at '(i'll have you know she doesn't give me this much energy when im feeling under the weather so you should feel special)'


salty much 🤣

not salty just a lil confused 

bc we're related to one another and i introduced you to her 

LMAO stop it 

you're distracting me from steve talking about bucky  and how he saw him fall

like you haven't seen it 3500 times already 

🙄 whatevs

sassy asf 

kai laughed at 'sassy asf'

I roll my eyes and slide my phone onto the counter, tucking my hands back under my chin and staring back at the tv. Able to focus somewhat on the characters I've already seen instead of the heartache I have for Michael. 

Jimmy's POV

Work is boring as hell without Kai. It's not that Auntie is boring but you can only stock shelves and sweep for so long. The shop was busy today and through transactions, I made myself do the math for change instead of relying on the register. "James, ca va?" James, are you okay? "Oui. Le stockage pendant des heures est l'une des activités les plus abrutissantes de posséder une entreprise." Stocking for hours on end is one of the most mind-numbing activities of owning a business.

Aunt Camille laughs whole-heartedly and I hear the ding of the front door opening. "Bienvenue." She says, peeking over the counter. "Bonjour." I hear Aidan's voice and I step off of the step stool and wipe my hands on my apron. "Working man, I see." Aidan comments. I chuckle and dap him up before moving out of his way so he can grab his snacks. "How's Kai doing?"

"I just texted her. Bored out of her mind I'm sure but resting. You know how hard it is for her to sit down."  Aidan laughs and replies, "I do. Coach was actually thinking about setting up a small surprise for our next practice. If she's willing to go, let us know and we can bring the stuff from his office to the court." I smile and shake my head, crossing my arms. "Aidan, you know how Kai feels about surprises."

"Exactly. Which is why it's not going to be overwhelming. Just a big ass 'get well soon' card with a bouquet for her. Or a succulent. Coach is still looking for one." I shake my head and laugh. "Aight. Aight. I got it." Aidan nods and grabs most of his favorite snacks, making his way to the fridge in the back. I pick up one of the boxes I left on a shelf and finish putting the snacks left in it. "Do you think Kai would be interested in a temporary managing position?"

I glance over my shoulder and Aidan shrugs. "Tye's gonna be gone for the rest of the season and I know Coach is drowning in work. He has too much to do and not enough hands to do it." "You do realize Kai should be off of her feet for the next 6 weeks, right?" Aidan nods and presses his lips together. "Yes, I am. I mean recording the games, running plays, and setting up the scoreboard." I nod and Aidan keeps going. "After the camera's set up, Kai could look at assists, passes, cuts, and shit like that." 

I put the last jar on the shelf and flatten the box, cutting the tap with the box cutter. "It's definitely a possibility. At least while she's healing. After that, she's gonna want to get back to dancing and she'll have a lot to catch up on if she wants to be in the spring showcase." "Jay said she could still dance?" Aidan asks, walking to the register. I place the flattened box on top of the other ones I have in a pile and move behind the register to check him out. 

Camille peeks her head from the office and waves at Aidan. He waves back and  I see her push her glasses up through her window. "You know Kai. Bounce back as soon as possible to make up for the lost time. I'm still surprised that she's using her crutches and actually sitting down. It's a miracle." Aidan shakes his head and laughs, doubling over. "What?" I ask, ringing him up. 

"You know you'd be the same way. You can't just ... be. Kai's like you in that way. Neither of y'all understands the concept that you don't always have to be doing something in order to matter or be contributing to your life." I blow air through my cheeks and say, "12.34. You're pushing your luck, Aidan."  He shakes his head and slides a twenty over the counter. "No Jimmy, you are. Take care of her until she can get away from your knucklehead ass." I laugh and hand him his change before he walks out of the store. 

jimmy's pov was not supposed to be in this chapter at all. i was looking for more of a parallel between kai and michael with the time differences but i ended up having to do math in order for that to work for the rest of the chapter so i just didn't do it.

also, i started this in class two days ago and had 500 words, typed kai's pov last night and then finished the chapter today ._. i'm still getting into the groove of only having one book to work on at a time but this should help me develop the plot a lot more.

definitely didn't expect it to reach as many views as it has but yet, here we are. thank you for all the reads and votes. 

i see y'all adding my book to your reading lists too :)

this was a little bit of an a/n but thank you and be on the lookout for another draft within the next two weeks. (if i could publish two chapters within the next two weeks, that in and of itself would be a miracle.)

love, kj <3

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