Chapter 8: From Cold Winter's Grasp to Warm Spring's Embrace

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  (And we have the final chapter! The end of the best Frozen. Considering we are going to have another one for some reason. I don't get why they're doing this personally, but I did enjoy writing this. I cannot wait to write more of this cast! Enjoy!)               

            "Cool it!" Kaeya yelled as he stabbed the monster's left feet to try and freeze it.

However, the monster easily broke the ice and kicked Kaeya away. Kaeya held his sword to protect himself as he then slammed his sword on the ground to stop sliding away.

"Well, this is a little annoying" Kaeya admitted in an annoyed tone as Jean cast another healing spell over him.

"I know I've used up a good portion of my healing powers, but we have to hold out a little longer" Jean reassured Kaeya as he picked himself up.

"I am aware, but I do hope they will not keep us waiting. That would be rather rude of our saviors" Kaeya answered as he stood up and swung his sword downward.

Jean joined his side as she held her sword. She used her anemo to push herself and Kaeya forward. Kaeya then swung his blade to strike the monster while Jean was focusing on the front. She swung her blade to strike the monster's stomach. They jumped and rode the wind as they kept their swords close. Then, they took turns striking the monster, but the monster grew frustrated with their attacks and quickly spun his hands to knock them away! Kaeya hit the ground and rolled till he hit is back against a wall. Jean tried to land on her feet, but she ended up landing on her left side.

"Ah! That hurts..." she whispered in pain and struggled to pick herself up.

The monster noticed she was still conscious and trying to put up more of a fight. The monster turned to Kaeya who lost consciousness and marched towards him.

"Oh, no" Jean whimpered as she used the last of power to grab her sword and then point it at him.

The monster raised his fists and prepared to slam it down on him. Jean was able to use anemo to push Kaeya into a pile of freshly fallen snow. She sighed in relief as she saw the monster hit the ground. However, the monster was still furious and turned its attention to her. She crawled away from it, but she hit her back against a cold wall. She looked up at the monster who raised its fist at her. She gasped and closed her eyes as she waited for the strike.

"Leave my best friend alone!" Lisa shouted as she cast a powerful, electro spell at it.

"Lisa?" Jean asked in relief as her friend was standing to the side with Venti!

"I came as soon as I could" Lisa said seriously, "I was not going to let a horrible miscreation harm you"

Venti rushed to her and Kaeya as he created a powerful gust of wind for protection. Jean was able to heal herself and Kaeya, but she faced the monster with concern.

"We have to get rid of it" she said seriously.

"And I agree, but I am unsure how" Jean confessed as she tried to find a weak spot.

Mona was peeking through the sides as she silently cheered. Though, she had nothing to worry about since her divinations are never wrong. Fischl and Oz commended her and her efforts while Eula remained alert. Barbara looked around to see if anyone needed help.

"Gah!" Diluc grunted in pain as he clutched his chest.

Barbara gasped as she ran towards his side. She tried her best to use her powers to heal him. She was alarmed that her powers weren't working.

"Don't be discouraged..." he informed her, "Not even your sister could heal me..."

Barbara was horrified as she tried to think of anything to help him. She looked around for anything as Jean was carrying Kaeya into the building. She placed him near Eula, but Jean noticed her little sister wasn't present.

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