"Sir?" Sloan called him out as the man waited for his signatures.

"Yeah, sorry, just leave those on my desk
I'll call you when I'm done."

"Very well, I'll go and get your afternoon coffee, would you like me to order your dinner as usual?"

Sloan had proved himself to be a valuable asset for Hendry for the past two years, his work schedule had been impeccable, and he had been finishing tasks, meetings, and closing deals right in the allotted time frame. And working after-hours had been less hectic with Sloan making sure that his needs were covered before his assistant left the office.

"Ah, I almost forgot. Brody Curran called and told me to remind you to pick up your phone. Though I already told him that you were at the club."

"Yeah, I met him last night. The man looked a bit off, I need you to call him for me and tell him to come over to my office anytime after working hours, while I finish signing these off for you. I'm going to be late for the managerial meeting if I call him myself." Hendry explained while his eyes scanned the documents in front of him and started scribbling down on some, then signing off on others.

"Okay, I'll call him right now and order dinner for two, with some beers?"

"Oh yes, that'll be great, Sloan, thanks, those roast beef sandwiches from the deli with their greasy fries, chips, and cold beers." Beers, yes, Hendry needed those for a relaxing night with Brody, knowing there were only decanters of whiskeys, gins, and rums in his office.

Sloan shook his head, the man was living a healthy lifestyle and Hendry knew that he judges his choice of take-out order every time.

"And because of that look, go ahead and add their gooey chocolate chip cookies."

"I'm giving you the look because you need to live a healthier lifestyle."

"Hey, I spent all morning under the sun, walking, swinging my golf clubs, that's pure work out right there." Hendry laughed when Sloan squinted his eyes but said nothing. The guy knows not to challenge his boss. Hendry still looks fit, though he knew that Sloan was right, he'd feel better with less salt, processed cheese, and grease in his diet.

"Right, I'm going to leave you to your schedule then and be back later for the managerial meeting."

"Sloan, it's me, your ordinary head of the company, not the head of the country where my schedule is not negotiable." Hendry chuckled and thanked Sloan for calling Brody before getting back to his task.

Sloan had met Brody, a few weeks after he started working for the company. Brody was there for a lunch appointment with Hendry and he noticed that Sloan was watching them. He realized that his PA couldn't keep his eyes off him and his buddy. He was probably thinking about how perfect they were for each other. Hendry knew his PA most likely thought that they were both an item, but then Hendry also knew that later he was corrected by someone from his office. Though, people would ship them together even if it wasn't remotely possible. 

Sloan had just left the office when Brody knocked on Hendry's door.

"Buddy, hey, come in. Sloan had ordered dinner and I've been waiting for you." Hendry got up from his seat and gave his friend his brotherly hug. It lasted seconds, but it manage to put a smile on Brody's face and that made Hendry feel better.

As the evening progressed, Hendry noticed that Brody seemed distracted and worn out, so he suggested they take a break and have their beer on the balcony of his office.

"I still couldn't believe that you managed to snatch the biggest balcony on the entire floor. The view is amazing, Hendry."

"Well, it was Dad's doing, you know this. First impressions are everything for business, and more meetings were held in my office with big clients to show them just that." He clinked his bottle with Brody's before they took another gulp of their drinks.

"Yeah, it's a good perk though," he said as he took a seat on the outdoor sofa.

After all the small talk, Hendry couldn't hold back anymore. "Brody, what's been going on? You seem a bit off and not just from last night, cause you still are,"

Brody sighed and looked at the skyline. "It's just been a lot lately. Work had been crazy, and my personal life is a mess."

Hendry put a comforting touch on Brody's knee. "You know I'm here for you, right? You can always talk to me." Brody looked up at Hendry after letting out an audible sigh. "I know, Hendry. That's why I came tonight. I need to see you, I don't know..."

Hendry put an arm on his back and rubbed his shoulder, trying to comfort him, hoping that the guy would talk some more.

"It's my dad, he wanted me to start building a family. He already had me set up with one of his best friend's daughters."

"And obviously you didn't want it, have you talked to your dad? I mean... you're an adult, Brody, and it's not like the old days. You have a say in your future."

His confession startled Hendry, he never thought Brody's dad would make him marry someone.

"I mean, it's not like I don't know her. She's my childhood friend, she's pretty and sweet, but this is not how I want things to go. I'm still young, and I..."

Hendry knew exactly what his best friend was about to say. He knew that Brody didn't want to let out his true feelings for him, cause he sure as damn feels the same way. He loved the guy and to have Brody marry another woman while they both clearly harbors feelings for each other was not what he imagined his life would be.

"Do you want me to talk to your dad?"

"Dude, don't," for the first time that evening the man let out a hearty laugh. "I can do this, I just can't let Callie down. I think... I think she wanted this."

"Well, man, of course...you're a goddamn catch, you're devilishly handsome, rich, and just look at that fucking body." Hendry teased his buddy, not that he wanted Brody to marry the girl. But there was a pang in his heart, and visioning his best friend walking down the aisle was not what he expected to happen in the near future.

Fixation (Clusterf*ck Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now