Chapter 41

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Today we decided to go sledding!! It's going to be really funny I feel that there will be memorable falls. There will be 2 of us per sleds/bobs (= sledges with a steering wheel) so we will surely make exchanges. We all start with his boyfriend / girlfriend except Daniel who is alone but it suits him. He finds it better to go sledding alone. I decide to take a little photo for my instagram before leaving.

 I decide to take a little photo for my instagram before leaving

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Liked by leafolki and 12,947 others
emma.carlier16 let's ride baby 🛷
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gossip_f1 looks like the couples are finally reunited

I notice the gossip account is commenting my photo. Well anyway I knew he was following me since he uses my stories/posts for his friends. I put my phone in the pocket and off we go!

Pierre and Katerina aren't advancing on their sled at all, they just fall down, it's really hilarious. During this time, Charles with me behind and Daniel on his sledge we are fighting for the "pole position". We go faster with Charles as we are heavier, but it's harder to drive two people, it goes quickly in all directions. We arrive at the height of Daniel but this one kicks our sled which makes us go completely on the left and fall.

I get up from the fall. I have snow all over my face and my hair.

Emma: So this one he's going to pay me.
Charles: Come back up quickly, we'll catch him.

I go back up and cling to Charles who rushes past all our friends.

After these two hours of descent we decide to take a short break to drink a hot chocolate before leaving, this time changing the groups. I'm going to get together with Luisa, it's going to be so funny.

Luisa decides to drive. I trust her, I've already seen that she handles the driving. we are in first. We try to slalom between the sledges to get to be first. We only have Daniel and Pierre on one sledge, then Alex and George on another to overtake. We manage to slip into the middle and quickly pass. We turn around to make funny faces at them when suddenly we get ejected from the sled. We end up in the snow in the ravine next to the track.

*Male voice in French*: How are you, didn't you hurt yourself? he said, holding out his hand to me.

I raise my head and notice that it's Julien. I roll my eyes when I see it.

Julien: Oh Emma, I didn't know it was you.
Emma: Sorry we ran into you right? We were looking behind us.
Julien: Yes no worries. I have nothing and neither does my friend.

His friend looks at him and nods his head to show that he agrees with what Julien is saying.

Julien: So how come you're in Switzerland?
Emma: I'm on vacation there on vacation.
Julien: Ah cool you're there with your friends I imagine seeing the girlfriend who is next to you.
Emma: Yeah and my boyfriend too.

Charles: How are you, mon coeur? Did you hurt yourself?

He runs through the snow towards me and holds out his hand. I take his hand and stand up.

Emma: No baby don't worry it's ok.
Charles: Wait, give your sledge, I'll go up it.

He also helps Luisa up and back up.

Emma: Alright, I'll go right away. Bye.
Julien: See you next time.

I get back on the sled behind Luisa who is waiting for the others to leave to turn to me.

Luisa: Who was that guy? Did you know him?
Emma: He was my ex.
Luisa: Ah, and what did he tell you? I didn't understand?
Emma: Nothing incredible. I reminded him that I had a boyfriend even if he sees him on insta but just in case.
Luisa: You did well. But Charles knew he was your ex?
Emma: No. He knows her name but he had never seen her face.
Luisa: Oh okay. Well, we'll avoid talking about that again then.

We catch up with the group to continue our sledding day.

It is around 3 p.m. and we have returned to the chalet. The guys went out for a drink and the girls decided to stay at the chalet and go to the pool-jacuzzi. We obviously take this opportunity to tell the other girls what happened when we fell today. All I hope is that I won't hear about it again.

We make our little late afternoon at home, and I decide to go shower. Tonight we plan to go out, first to a restaurant then to a club. I can't wait because it's rare that we go out and that the guys can really enjoy and have a drink. Usually they always have races, or they drive home. But there we will all be able to enjoy.

I take my sound system and put on my favorite music. It's the only time I have where I'm really alone so I'm going to enjoy this moment. I love being with others, but sometimes we need time alone. And now is my time.

After my shower I go out and decide to do a brushing and a makeup on fleek. I want to be beautiful tonight. I decide to curl my hair and make a makeup in the roses.

 I decide to curl my hair and make a makeup in the roses

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I really love what I've done. For my outfit I wear a few simple things. Black pants with a white sweater with a V-neck that highlights my chest. I am really in bomb for the mountain.

Charles returns at this moment in the room.

Charles: Wow you're super beautiful mon amour.
Emma: Thank you baby. So how was it?
Charles: It was seriously good. But now I have to go to the shower, I'll tell you more about it afterwards, otherwise I'll be late.

He spins and I sit on the bed for a moment. I unlock my phone and see that I have new notifications on whatsapp. I open and see that an unknown number has written to me. I open the messages and there I am speechless.

*Unknown number*: Hi it's Julien (I don't know if you still have my number). I wanted to know if we could meet to talk while you're in Switzerland. There are several things I need to talk to you about.

I go to the rooms of Luisa and Katerina, my closest friends. I need their opinion on this message. I show them and ask what to do.

Katerina: It depends, do you want to see it again?
or not?
Emma: No, I have nothing to tell him and I'm with Charles.

I explain to them that our relationship with Julien was complicated and that for nearly a year and a half after our breakup we continued to come back to each other constantly. It went through drunken calls on Saturday evenings, at lunch together on weekdays because we had to talk to each other, in late-night conversations, etc. Really a complicated relationship.

I take their advice and eventually figure out what to say to him. I open my phone and start typing the message:

You: Hi. Listen Julien, I have a boyfriend I'm good with and I don't need anything else. I don't see what we could say to each other so I'd rather not see each other.

He reads the message but does not reply to me. It's usual with him, it's also one of his worst faults. He never responds to the message.

It's time to leave for the restaurant so I put my phone in my bag and I try to forget this event to focus on tonight.


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