I just want to lay down and cry

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A week after the incident at the zoo Harry was getting the mail and found a letter for himself. No one ever sent him anything so he was fully focused on the envelope in his hand, he barely registered it being ripped from him. He turned fast and glared at Dudley and Vernon.

"Harry's got a mail! Someone sent him a letter!" Dudley took the letter and gave it to his father, his shouting getting the households attention.

"Who'd be writing to you?" Vernon sneered. Solis, Dudley, and Petunia read the addressing over his shoulder. Solis' eyes widened and stayed lock onto the letter while the other three stared at Harry like he had two heads.

'Hogwarts. Harry is like me?!'

Vernon ripped the envelope up and threw it away before having everyone continue breakfast like nothing happened; they ate in a tense silence. The Dursleys continued on as always but the only thing Solis and Harry could think about was the letter. Solis because, 'OMG! Harry is a wizard like me!' And Harry because he wanted to know who would write him and what was in that letter. And, 'Why did Solis look like he recognized it?'

The next morning a stack of letters arrived for Harry, laying in front of the door, and Vernon took the liberty of burning them before Harry could even touch them and nailing the mail slot shut. The morning after that owls covered the yard, perching on the car, lampposts, and mail-boxes. Vernon banned them from going outside. The next day was Sunday, and several emotions filled the house.

"It is a wonderful day. Do you know why it's a wonderful day?" Vernon was, of course, relieved and happy.

Dudley shrugged. He was oblivious but confused.

"Because it's Sunday?" Harry was upset, curious, and the smallest bit hopeful.

"Yes! And why is Sunday a wonderful day?"

"There is no mail on Sundays." The brunette was curious about the letter. About Solis' recognition of it. And about Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia's insistence to not let him read the letters.

"Yes again! Ah, a wonderful day indeed." Petunia was relieved too, but also fearful.

Solis though... Solis was bored and curious. And also wanted to make Vernon mad after his jab about "being happy with having food to eat cause he could just as easily be out on the streets instead of here with his orphan buddy." He hates the Dursleys. Solis can tell Vernon's still on edge about the letters, so what better time to disclose the he got one as well?

"Why can't Harry go to Hogwarts?" His question made everyone freeze and look at him as he sat as calm as can be, eating his pancakes. "Or is it that you just don't want us to know about magic? I have a feeling it's the latter given how you two," he points to Petunia and Vernon. "recognized the seal on the letters and Aunt Petunia still has a look of fear and disgust in her eyes."

Solis looked up from his plate to see Harry looking at him in curiosity, Aunt Petunia shaking in her seat, and Uncle Vernon turning red with anger. Dudley was ignoring them in favor of the Tv; Mary Poppins was playing this morning.

Saliva specks flew from Vernon's lips as he spoke, his words filled with his anger. Fists clenched around silverware, Vernon shouted. "There is no such thing as magic! Where did you learn such things?!"

Solis glanced at him before looking at Harry. 'He deserves to get out of here more than I do. Hogwarts only sends acceptance letters, Harry should know.'

"'We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.' I also did a little thinking and Hogwarts only needs to send acceptance letters, what's the point of getting a letter if you don't have magic."

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