Apart Of Me - Ponyboy

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Thank you, xdiscoinfernox for this request! Stay Gold 🐴 🌅 💛

November 28, 1969- 4:00 am

I woke up to my alarm blaring at my ears. Drowsily, I slammed the clock to silence as I slowly sat up on my bed, I stared hardly at my bare feet.

Today, I go back to Tusla.

I'd excited, but I'm not.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see my brothers, Steve, and Twobit, but I've just had the greatest time around New York.

I mean, I have good friends there's a girl I like and I think she likes me; I know I'll only be gone for a month but, what if it all just goes away when I come back?

What if my luck runs out?

"So..." I looked over to see my friend Czar stretching his way out of his bed. "My partner in crime is leaving today."

"It's only for a month, Czar, and you're leaving too-everybody is"

"Yeah, but not this early. The sun isn't even up-hell. The city isn't even up, and this I'd the city that never sleeps."

"Well, Tusla is very far."

"Dude, the flight is only like two hours."

"Well, I'd rather be early than be late for my flight." I snapped up my case."Wanna do the honors of taking me to the airport?"

"I thought you'd never ask Michael!" Czar uncovered himself with his blankets, revealing that he's been wearing outwear.

I laughed, throwing him the keys. "Alright then, let's head out."

Michael; That's what they call me over here. After graduating high school, I couldn't risk getting rejected from college because of my name, so I put all of my applications through my middle name.

Soon, I realized it was time to grow up and leave that childish name behind me. So, I introduced myself as Michael, and it's been like that for almost a year now. I actually love being called Michael. I don't even want to say my actual name anymore. Knowing that I'll be called my real name at home again is something I can't bear.

"So, what are you planning to do for the holidays over at Tusla, Michael?"

"Just visiting family - My brother's, how about you?"

"Well, practically doing the same; Going back to Puerto Rico to see my parents and my sisters - as well as my abuela- I'm also gonna bring my girlfriend which I'm siked about."

"Nice, her name is Peggy, right?"

"Yup, the most beautiful girl in the world. My parents are gonna meet her for the first time actually- shes gonna be staying over for the whole break."

"You know, before I met you, I thought you and Jamie were gonna get together."

"Isn't that who you got the hots for, though?"

"Yeah, which to be honest before I knew you, I wanted to kill you." I joked, hoping he'd get the joke

Luckily, Czar did, giving out the most hilarious laugh I've ever heard, making it contagious to me.

"I'm gonna miss you, man." Czar parked at the drop-off lane, bumbed

"I am too. But, hey, the month break will fly by - I bet you the moment I stepped out of this car, I'll be coming right back in."

"Yeah, but I still want a nice long break I mean, who doesn't?"

I gave a look

"Michael, I'm sure things are gonna ve alright over there. No need to worry, man."

"Yeah, no need- Well, I'm gonna go. Thanks for dropping me off, Czar."

"No problem." He lent out his copper toned hand. I took grip of it, finding myself giving Czar a warm hug.

"Have a safe flight, alright?"


He dug into his pocket, handing me a snall piece of paper. "If you need a call, here's my home number back in Puerto Rico - you can call me anytime."

"Okay, I'll see you soon, Czar." I hopped off the car, walking my way to the airport.

As I passed the gate, I realized I was going to be met with my past traumas that I never wanted to come across again

Imagines And Preferences Pt.2 🐴🌅🏈🥤🍺🍰😎🚗Where stories live. Discover now