"Gimme some." Nova held her hand out for the bag of Doritos Antonne had.

"No." He told her.

"What you mean no?" She sucked her teeth.

"Exactly what I said heffa." Antonne said only for him to get smacked in the back of his head.

"Watch ya mouth." Nova warned only for him to roll his eyes.

"Go text Bando or something, get the fuck away from me." Antonne told her and she shook her head.

"Ion be texting Bando." She lied.

Antonne tooted up his face before going into the kitchen where Jaleah was at to isolate herself from the smoke. Jahmir didn't want her to get 2nd hand.

"Hm." Antonne went to hand Jaleah the blunt only for Jahmir to take it instead, mugging him. "My bad, my bad." He held his hands up.

"Cmon now nigga, you fucking up the rotation." They heard nova say, causing Jahmir  to go back into the living room to go smoke then pass the blunt around.

"The brownies done!" Antonne yelled as he went to take them out the oven.

"Take them out then!" Nova yelled back causing him to suck his teeth.

"What you think I'm doing." He mumbled placing the 2 brownie pans on the stove.

"What?" Nova yelled.

"I ain't say nothing! Big eared mufucka" He whispered the last part, scrunching his face up. "You want some?" He asked Jaleah.

Jaleah nodded and got up to get 3 brownies and a Gatorade from the fridge. She sat back down as Antonne went back in the living room causing her to get back on her phone.

"Jah." Jaleah whispered to Jahmir as she laid her head on his shoulder. "I feel funny." She told him and he looked at her.

"What you mean? How you feeling?" Jahmir signed and she shrugged.

"You okay?" Jasmine asked, noticing the weird facial expression she was making.

"I don't know." Jaleah said with a laugh causing Jasmine to become alert.

"You think she got 2nd hand?" Nova asked Jasmine who went over to her sister to feel her head.

"I don't know. You eat something bad?" Jasmine asked Jaleah who shook her head, her eyes glancing at a random spot in the room before giggling.

"I let her get a brownie." Antonne said, causing everybody to look at him.

"What brownie?" Nova's eyes widened.

"The ones you baked—

"Are you fucking dumb? Those were weed brownies!" She yelled at him and his eyes widened.

"For real—

"How many she ate?" Jasmine asked, lifting Jaleah's head to see her pupils were dilated.

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