20 || One Day

460 11 4

We head toward Nico's car and before I could open my own door Nico slams my wrist and opens it for me, 

"Excuse me!" I shout as he waits for me to get in, "Get in" He shrugs "You just slapped my hand!" I shout furiously "It's better than kicking you in the stomach"

I roll my eyes and sit inside the car, Nico then gets on one knee and places my seatbelt across my chest,

 "Why are you doing this?" I questioned confused by his sudden kindness, "I don't care if you are independent I'll always treat you like a queen"

Butterflies, Butterflies all over my stomach, He's treating me like I'm going to be his real wife, It made me feel weird, and fuck okay I loved it.

he then sat beside me and started the car, "Where would you like to go?" He said as we drove down the hill toward the gates,

 "Anywhere," I say putting on lipgloss, I watched from the corner of my eye as he watched

Gosh, he makes me feel embarrassed but fucking sexy at once, "How does Sempre Vivolo sound?" I literally break my neck to look at him, "How do you?" "Don't worry Sempre Vivolo is one of my top favorite restaurants

My parents and I would always go there with (grandpa and grandma) nonno and nonna when I was younger, I haven't gone since I was a teenager

I've never been more excited once we made it, We parked and ordered a table for two, and Nico ordered one of the best champagne Sempre Vivolo had, 

"So ask me a question," He said taking a sip of his champagne as he gazed his eyes through my whole body, The table was made out of glass and I could see his body underneath it, "Favorite color?" Simple question

"Black yours?"
"Red" I smirk
"Favorite food?" I ask
" Fettuccine," He said with a sneer
"didn't know you liked Italian food" I arch a brow folding my arms across my chest, "I love Italians- I mean food" he quickly corrects himself, "Interesting" I take another sip of my champagne

"Favorite music?",
"Opera," weirdo, but whatever, "Celebrity crush?" I ask leaning against the table, He lays his chin on his fist before speaking "Monica Bellucci" "Touche" I chuckle

Who doesn't love Monica Bellucci she's the hottest model I know, "My turn to ask the questions angel

He chuckled softly while leaning against the table along with me, "Biggest fear?" I paused for a minute to think, "Losing my parents" 

He stayed suspiciously stayed silent for a bit before asking another question, "Insecurity", "My voice" I said fidgeting with my ring

"O love hearing your voice" I glance up at his eyes to see his gaze has softened, facial expression was different, something I've never seen him

Before I could say something the waiter brings our food, I ordered Rigatoni alla Bolognese while Nico ordered Farfalle Positano a different type of pasta

we ate and laughed while he told his jokes, I'd never felt this much fun in a while, with him I felt differently weird like I was starting to get nervous around him

But more comfortable, which couldn't happen, I still didn't fully trust him and I know for a fact Nico would do something behind my back, is this his plan? To win my trust and then break our promises?

If he is

It's Working. 


After dinner we headed toward Suttons Place Park, I specifically brought her here so we could walk around while in the 'cold' near the ocean

We silently walked staring up at the midnight sky, the stars were out brighter than they've probably ever been, I glanced toward her having goosebumps up her arms


"You okay," I ask nonchalantly, "Yeah just a little cold" She smiles glancing toward me, "Here" I smirk taking my coat off, we stop walking and I wrap my coat around her shoulders, "Thank you" She beams while holding onto it

"It's no problem" I smirk back, I gaze into her eyes and take a step forward, she looked so fucking beautiful it hurts

I want to kiss her juicy luscious lips so fucking bad, hold her while the sky watches over us, The park was empty now was the perfect opportunity

Her hair was blowing into her face while the breeze from the ocean waves hit us, I brush her hair behind her ears and take one more step closer, Now our chests were basically touching, I lean down and our lips touch

Do it Nico fucking do it, I wanted to so fucking bad

but something kept stopping me, something wanted her to leave, something in me wanted to break our agreement and run, run as far as I could

"A wishing star" she points up at the sky, I glance up and back down at her to see her eyes shut as she mouthed something

I read her lips like reading a baby book

"I wish for my freedom" that's her wish, She then opened her eyes and let out a cough, "we should head back it's about to be 1 a.m" "Uh yeah sure let's go" I cough taking a step away.

One day, one day you'll be mine, one day I'll give you the freedom you deserve, one day I'll give you a family, one day we'll be in love, one day I'll be able to love you my precious little, Fallen Angel.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒 Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat