01. shadow

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SOTC (song of the chapter):  - Brackish - Kittie


In the roaring life-teaming forest sweat perpetrates on your brow. Leaves crunch under your boots as you weave through trees while whistling. With no specific destination in mind, your only objective is to find shelter for the night—and hopefully something you can stomach besides expired canned beans. They're old now, and there's nothing you want more at the moment than to eat something of sustenance without having to hold your breath and chug it down with a grimace.

You're not exactly sure where you are at the moment—all you know is that the surrounding area is seemingly devoid of infected and that the ground you so carelessly walk on is found somewhere in Massachusetts. Pulling out a heavily marked map, you squint at the tiny letters printed on colored paper, small squiggly lines indicating rivers and topography.

Your eyes droop with frustration and you hastily shove your map away into your light army-green backpack. It's heavily torn from all the abuse you've put it through, its right side holding small frayed edges of material that sway in the wayward wind. You've never been very good at taking care of your belongings—especially not when you're on the run every hour of the day.

A rustle behind you causes your body to tense, and for your hand to unsheathe the katana that had once rested peacefully in its hilt. A man's voice cuts through the peaceful chirp of the forest.

"Yeah, I heard some crazy bastard holed himself up here." His voice is rough, yet somehow teeming with the suggestion of youth.

"All the way out here? Must've had some balls on him to survive out here all alone." A horrible feminine voice responds.

"Nah, check this out, he had a husband he locked up with him."

"What? No way."

"Yup. But Mark came down here a week ago and said he didn't see even a speck of life. Even the plants went to shit."

"Must've lost their minds in there and offed themselves."

"Hell, I would if it was me." The voices pursued louder, and without a thought you launched yourself up the closest tree, climbing with incredible proficiency, and hiding between the leaves and branches to study the upcoming duo. "But, at least we get to benefit off their crazy asses. Their shit is ours now." A boy no older than nineteen came into the clearing, his clothes dirty and face smug.

The girl heard previously emerged seconds after him, "And what do we do if they are still alive in there?"

He scoffs. "Easy. We take out the geezers." He shows off his pathetic knife, and with a lame motion swings as if to show off his skills.

Your brows furrow, and a frown tugs onto your lips. They were trouble. You were sure that if they spotted you they would shoot first and think later, considering their disregard for the rumored married couple they would either rob or murder by the end of their trip. You shrug absentmindedly, at least it'd make this easier for you. Taking a pine nut from the branch across you, you chuck it a bit past the duo.

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