Myla smiles sheepishly “I'm uh..Lux!” they said, the owner goes nack to the crowd and smiles “I was saved by the new hero Lux!”

The crowd took a while before cheering in complete joy. The police officers relaxed themselves as chief Custer walks closer to the shop owner “I know everyone's cheerin’ an’ all, but can we look at the scene ma'am?”

The shop owner nods “Of course sir!” she turns to Myla and smiles sweetly “Thanks sweetie” Myla smiles as well “It's no problem!”

As the teenager tries to skate away, news casters are already swarming up to them, holding their mics up close to them “Lux! Are you the new hero? Or are you just a temporary replacement for Augustus?”

“Lux! Are you here to stay and protect the city?”

“Lux! What are you're other plans to do for Yorktown?”

Myla was getting a bit overwhelmed with all the questions and all the people crowding up to them “Um–– I can't really answer all your questions as of right now but. Hi! I'm Lux and I'm here to try and help Augustus with hero work when he's not around.”

They pause as they slowly skate away “I hope we'll all be in good terms, goodbye!” they waved goodbye as they quickly skated away.

After a few minutes, Myla looks behind them to see the crowd finally gone. They stopped by a coffee shop and sighed “Thank goodness, I didn't like people crowding around me.”

They smiled happily as they clicked on the button on the cassette player, and energetic and fun music starts to play through their head set.

“––It’s a good day to be great

I’m lacing up my roller skates––”

“––To hit the pavement once again

My neighborhoods really is the best––”

Myla skates calmly as they smile and wave to civilians. A little girl catches their attention, she was reaching her arms up towards a tree.

Myla skates towards the girl, music still playing through the head phones shaped like cat ears, “Hey girl! What's wrong?” they ask, the little girl turns to them with a sad expression on her face, “Please help, my cat's stuck in that tree!” she pleads.

Myla pats her head “Don't worry! I'll get your cat out the tree!” they press a button on their jetpack, engines appearing by their side. Myla floats up and they hang onto the branch of the tree. They see a little cat huddled into a little corner, “Awe, don't worry sweetheart! I won't hurt ya!” they say, trying to seem very friendly to the cat.

Heroes and Villains Never go well togetherWhere stories live. Discover now