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Her heart hadn't always been so delicate, she hadn't always been so fragile nor would she be forever, she had to heal and it would take time. She would never forget but she could move on. With time, patience , love and care.

Carolyn had washed the vomit from her hair, she had avoided looking at the scars her body held.  She made sure the woman her son had fallen for was clean, she made sure she was okay.

With her daughters they had always been independent, losing Kathy when she was only 15 killed Carolyn inside, she wished she'd been there more, forcing herself into their lives even if they protested. 

When Nancy was pregnant she hated the soppiness, she wasn't an attentive parent. She had nannies from the moment her first born turned 5 months old. Carolyn never had these moments with her own children.

Growing up Nancy had been a daddy's girl but once she turned 18 she left for college, studied and wanted nothing much to do with her family unless it benefited her in some way. She was always distant with Carolyn. 

Lizzy until she was six had been a mumma's princess. But she soon turned to wanting to play alone. From 16 she was always with a boy, she would study but also go out on long weekends. 

Amelia, well she had always been difficult. From age 9 she would lock herself in her room, by 16 she was drinking illegally and stealing, 18 she was having sex and long weekends. She left for college and came back a different girl. 

Carolyn had never experienced this before, she felt priviledged that Meredith had allowed her to help.

She helped Meredith into a pair of shorts and vest, dryed her hair and tied it back before tucking her into the covers of her bed.

"Thank you"Were the words Meredith barely formed before snuggling deeply into the covers. Derek walked in shortly after.

"Thank you ma."He hugged her tightly looking down at the sleeping beauty, "Love you"He whispered bending to kiss her head. 

"She is your person Derek"Carolyn smiled warmly.

"I know. You get some rest, photos tomorrow he reminded, he could see clearly Meredith was struggling to keep her eyes closed. The mother and son shared a look before Carolyn left to bed.

Derek stripped to his boxers, he knew when she felt like this his skin calmed her. Within seconds of him getting into the bed she had snuggled into him, he was her security. 

The rest of the night through to the morning seemed to go smoothly. She slept through without a bad dream. She didn't wake up when Derek moved from her in the morning. She even slept through him showering and changing into his black trousers, grey shirt, black suit jacket and socks. He knew they had time to he left her to sleep.

"I walked her for you"Fred spoke as Derek stroked Sky's head softly.

"Thank you, I will wake Meredith up soon." Derek sat beside his mum.

The time passed by so quickly as they caught up on things. Carolyn and Fred wanted to move to the area. They felt rested here, it all felt natural. Derek had suggested them moving to the 3 bed cottage he owned that overlooked the water. They would think about it but he knew it was highly likely.

He was about to stand when he heard the light noise of her steps, he smiled turning expecting to see a tired girl. But it was the opposite.

She stood, her hair perfectly curled, a natural makeup look wearing a pink ruffled off the shoulder maternity dress which went all the way to her calves. Her bump perfectly emphasised through the dress.

"You look..."Derek walked towards her. "Stunning" He placed a kiss to her freshly washed hair, he could tell she had showered again. 

Her eyes met his as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Her nose brushing his as his arms wrapped around her frame.

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