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Prayer is a very powerful thing.

I should know. It saved my life. 

I am supposed to be dead according to what doctors had said after I was born, but I am very much alive, ready to share the Good News. 

Everyone has struggles in life. Things happen. A heavy cross is put on our shoulders and sometimes it's hard to bear. Especially since we don't know why it's there. 

But God does everything for a reason. I always remember that. There's a reason I lived, there's a reason why I was born with terrible eyesight, and there's a reason I can't hear. 

We all have a purpose in life. We just have to figure out what it is. 

And so, if you are struggling in your journey of faith...we'll pray for you. 

If someone you loved passed away, or if one of your friends has been through a lot...we'll pray for them. 

Here is a safe space where we give each other support. Our pms are always open to whoever would need to talk. 

Request a prayer. It can change everything. 


Prayer Request Book - 2023Where stories live. Discover now