The return

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Leahs pov 10 hours ago

As soon as we'd hung up I wanted to call y/n back and tell her ... I don't even know what I would say but I wanted to hear her voice again. Kiera had called me this morning to check I would be okay with her plan to invite y/n to Barcelona for a couple days, I had no right to say yes or no but I told her it was a great idea and to make sure she had a good birthday.

"You're slacking you know," Jordan called from further down the path. Since the break up, she has been a good friend to me, and we have put what happened in Australia behind us.
"Yeah, I know." I stay where I am, so she walks back to me
"Everything okay?" I could see the concern on her face
"Yeah, it's just its y/ns birthday today, and I had been planning a surprise before we broke up. Now she's on her way to Barcelona to see Kiera and Lucy. " I put my face in my hands and crouch down, Jordan stands next to me and rubs my back
"I know this is shit but its clear you still care about her so why don't you find out from Kiera when she's back and go up and surprise her then" I look up to Jordan with a big smile on my face
"You know what, Jord, I think that's a great idea." Before she could respond, I was back up and running now she was the one that was slacking.

Kiera had told me y/n was planning to be back the day after tomorrow, and they had spent most of the day walking around Barcelona. She had forgotten to mention, but I was updated via Instagram that G was also there. It did make me feel a little left out, but I couldn't have gone even if I was invited, we have a game tomorrow. I think it's best I stay off Instagram until after the game so I can stay focused.

Y/n pov

I'm so sad my trip has come to an end, Kiera and Lucy have just dropped me off at the airport. I managed to chat with a sober Georgia before I left and straightened everything out, we both agreed it didn't mean anything and to not mention it to anyone because it would cause more drama that it was worth. The plane journey home went a lot smoother than the one out in terms of my nerves, I think all the walking and excitement caught up to me and I slept for pretty much the whole journey. This time, I've come out into the arrivals section. I was greeted by Hempo, who had kindly offered to pick me up to avoid the taxi ride back.
"Welcome back. Did you have a nice time away?" She leads the way to her car, waiting out the front
"I did thank you, I feel like I need a couple of days to relax now, though,"
"Yeah, unfortunately, it's straight to training for us,"
"Ohh shit I had almost forgotten that we have training today, I don't have any of my kit or boots,"
She laughs and shakes her head before we get into her car
"Do we have time to go to my place to pick it up?"
"Look in the back," she says before pulling away from the airport. I turn in my seat to see my training bag on the back seat
"Honestly, Lauren, I don't know what I would do without you."
I lean over and give her a quick kiss on the cheek. She really has helped me out.
"Er... yeah... don't mention it... I had the spare key for emergencies, and I knew you'd forget"
"You're such a good friend,"
"Don't mention it ...... mate. " There was a little tone when she said the last word, but I didn't pry.

Training was brutal I was still a little hungover and my legs were aching from all the stairs we climbed in Barcelona but I still put all my effort in, minus a couple times where I had to stop to prevent myself throwing up. It's okay it was our last training session before the international break. Hopefully, I get the call up, and I get to see the England girls again after so long. Plus, I will have a word with Lucy and her idea of a realxing walk to see the sights.

Lauren drives me back to my flat and is silent the whole drive there. When we get back to my car park, she turns off the engine and faces me.
"Y/n, I need to ask you something, and if I don't say it now, I never will,"
"Okay, you know you can ask me anything"  I say, slightly worried at what's coming next
"Will you, I mean, would you, like I don't know  want to go on a date with me? It's totally okay if not"
"Wow, erm, I didn't know you still liked me like that. How about this, we go out, have fun, and see what happens?"
The smile on her face lit up the whole car, I've always known she was pretty, but I've never thought of her as anything more than a friend but I can't help feeling excited about her asking me out. Plus, I already know she's a good kisser, and I could do with a distraction. I returned her smile and went to reach for the door handle
"Ohh no don't, let me." Before I knew it, she was out her door and was opening mine for me
"Thank you, I know you're quick on the pitch, but that was impressively fast,"
"I can go slow when needed," she says, winking at me from just a few inches away. I feel a little tingle in my stomach she's never openly flirted with me, and I don't hate it.
"Let me walk you up? Make sure your legs make it up the stairs. "
"You don't have to, I'll be okay." Even as I say it, the muscles in my thighs give out a little, and she steadies me
"Yeah, it looks like it, it's nothing a nice ice bath won't fix. Unfortunately, I can't stay for that, but I can get you to your front door safely"
"Okay, if you insist, that would be very nice of you,"

We walk up the 4 flights of stairs to my flat, I'm on the top floor but have never used the lift ever since I got stuck in one when I was younger. As we walk up, we talk about the upcoming England camp and she asks if I think we can pick our roommates. We joke about who is the quickest and even race up the last couple stairs, getting to the top both bent over and laughing. She won, but only because im tired.
"Y/n?" I look up to see Leah at my door with a huge bunch of flowers and a what looks like a bag of presents
"Leah, what are you doing here?"
"Surprising you for you birthday, well belated birthday" my heart race picks up, I can't help the reaction I have to her even if I wanted to. I must have been staring as Lauren clears her throat to remind me she's there
"Do you want me to stay?"  Did I want her stay? No I should do this on my own
"No its okay thank you, and thank you for everything today I'll call you tomorrow"
She give me a hug and a kisses me on the cheek as she pulls away, and it's Leahs turn to clear her throat this time
"See you later Lauren" Leah says a little short but not blunt
"Yeah bye Leah" she heads back to the stairs and when she's at the top she turns back and calls out to me
"Y/n I look forward to that call tomorrow we can plan a time for our date" with that she heads down the stairs
Shit! I turn back to Leah who is actually smiling
"You're smiling?"
"Well she wouldn't need to try to make me jealous if she didn't see me as a threat which means she knows you still care about me"
"Right okay strange way to react to me going on a date with someone else"
"Who says you'll actually go on that date, shall we go inside?" I've seen cocky Leah before and she knows how much I love it.
I unlock my flat and head inside with Leah.

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