Birthday trip part 1

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So today is my birthday, 26 years old and currently spending it alone looking out my flat window at a man trying to parallel park a car that's way too big for the spot he's aiming for. Normally I would go see my family but we were due to play today so they went to visit my brother. The game was postponed, which means I have today and tomorrow off training with nothing to do.

My phone vibrates, and I look down to see a message from Kiera. She's back in Barcelona with Lucy, and God do I miss them both.

Happy birthday girl, I heard your game was postponed. Got any plans for the big day?

Thank you!!!

I send her a short video of the man still trying to get into this space

Ohh sorry, I see you're busy, I guess you don't want to come to Barcelona for a couple of days. I know you're off

You been spying on me. How do you know my schedule so much?

I have my ways, so you coming?

Of course I'm coming see you soon!

Her response was a picture of her and Lucy looking at their watches as if to say hurry up.

The day has been turned around in a matter of minutes, and now I have to get a flight and pack a bag. First, I look back out the window to see the man finally give up and drive off from the space.

Sitting at the airport is the first time in the last two hours I've had time to think, I booked the first return flight that I found which was due to take off in an hour and bring me back 3 hours before I needed to be at training the day after tomorrow. It will be tight, but hey, no risk, no reward. Packing if you could call it that was a tornado of clothes being forced into a bag that was much too big to be taking away for 2 days, but I wanted to be prepared. It will be nice to be back feeling warm after the weather has started to turn cold at home.

My anxiety for flying has been kept at bay by being distracted with making arrangements, but right now, waiting for my gate to be called, I can feel the familiar tightness in my chest. Ohh right crippling fear of flying. What am I doing.
I try to call my mum but she doesn't answer. My brother lives right in the sticks in Cornwall, and the signal is very hit and miss. My hands are shaking as I call the only other person who had been able to keep my calm during flights. She answers on the second ring a little out of breath.

"Hey kid, I wasn't expecting...."
"Leah," I cut her off my voice just on the edge of tears
"What's wrong, where are you?"
"At the airport." she takes a minute and lets out a worried breath
"I understand. Where are you going?"
"Barcelona, Kiera called." I could only get bullet point information out as I didn't want to be the girl sitting on the floor of the airport crying. I've got this far without being recognised, but it would be my luck this would be the time I'm spotted.
"How long until your flight?"
"About 45 minutes"
"I can stay on the phone as long as you need,"
"I'm sorry to call. it's just my mum didn't answer, and I could feel myself starting to panic."
"Don't be sorry, you can call me anytime, plus I was out for a run, so welcome the opportunity to walk for a bit."
Just the sound of her voice has slowed my heart to a normal pace.
"Thank you,"
"For what?"
"For answering, for being able to calm me down"
"You'd do the same for me,"
I can hear the woman on the speaker call my gate to indicate its time to start boarding.
"I've got to go, they're calling us to board"
" Okay, remember deep breaths, and it will be over before you know it."
"I'll talk to you when I get back, bye." I go to hang up but hear her call my name
"Ohh y/n?"
"Happy birthday!"

The flight was just under two hours and went without incident, see nothing to worry about. After collecting my bag, I head to arrivals where I see Lucy and Kiera holding a sign with big letters saying BIRTHDAY GIRL. As soon as they spot me, they drop the sign and run to me, Lucy gets to me first and jumps into my arms. Once I put her down I turn to Kiera who gives me a calmer greeting of a tight hug, I hold onto her a little longer, not knowing how much I needed this hug until I was in it.

"How was your flight? Did you make the person sitting next to you hold your hand?" Lucy picks up my bag for me, and we start walking to the exit
"Ha ha very funny, it was okay, no drama from me,"
"For once." I look over to see Lucy wink at me, what are friends for other than to make fun of you.
"I've missed you two. Thank you for inviting me,"
"Of course, we have some time off too, so it was perfect timing,"
"We do have one more surprise for you though" Kiera gives me a sly smile as we walk over to their car, I can see a person sat in the back but can't make them out.
They open the door, and I can't keep the grin off my face
"Did someone say reunion?" She runs round the back of the car and picks me up in a tight hug. After a few seconds, she puts me down, both of us giggling
"G, what are you doing here?" Georgia Stanway, one of the first friends I made at camp and one of the last people I expected to see today. She plays for Bayern Munich, and I haven't seen her for months.
"Couldn't let you three have all the fun, could I? The shock of seeing her made me forget where I was
"Come on, girls, we've got some exploring to do," Lucy ushers into the car, and we pull away from the airport

"Seriously, G, how are you here?" We are both sitting in the back, up front Lucy was driving, and Kiera was navigating. They were holding hands across the central divide. In public, they rarely show any affection, but in the moments they don't think anyone is watching, they are always reaching for each other, drawn together like magnets. It's a really beautiful thing to see, and it reminds me of the pull I have, sorry, had with Leah. No y/n you're here to celebrate not be mopey and heart broken .
"We've got a training camp here this week, so I asked these two if they wanted to hang out, and they told me you were on your way."
"Wow, that was lucky timing,"
"Yeah, I miss seeing you lot every day. It's hard sometimes being away from home, especially after everything,"

She didn't need to explain anymore. She was going through the same situation that I was after her break up with Beth. Distance really is the killer of love.
I reach across and squeeze her hand, she squeezes back, knowing that we are in the same head space make it feel less lonely.

"So im thinking we get some lunch, and then we can give you a guided tour of Bacelona. You guys okay with that?"

" As long as there's food I'm in," I say to the group

"We know!" they all said at the same

It's good to be around family again!

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