Chapter II - The Interview

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I swung open the door of the secretary's office. A young woman with long blond hair and deep blue eyes stood up and looked at me shocked. She was dressed in a red tight skirt, white shirt, and black blazer with the Ferrari logo. I stepped closer to her desk and handed the letter with the invitation.

- I am here for the job interview – I said sharply.

- For the position of "Strategist", right? – asked the woman. I nodded to confirm. She smiled in confusion than said: - Well, could you please come back tomorrow... Your interview is dated for tomorrow not for today.

- I beg your pardon?! – I raised my eyebrows. – You sent me this letter, inviting me to come today and when I am here on the appointed day and time you are asking me to leave and come back the other day?!

- Well... Yes – she looked at me guiltily.

- Are you insane?! – I whispered angrily, trying to stay calm.

- Miss Bernardi, you have the right to be angry, but today is the car launch and everybody is busy with something – the blonde tried to excuse.

- Hear me out, miss "Secretary"! – I interrupted her, hitting the desk with hand. – Bring up here someone from the team, who does not have so much work to do, right now or I would not leave until you make the interview today!

- Mamma mia, please be quiet! – she gasped. – They are filming outside...

- I do not f***ing care! – I looked her with a dead stare. – Go and find someone! Now!

The poor slim woman ran out of the room, clattering with her thin heels on the marble floor. I waited for her to return tapping nervously with foot, making a loud noise as my heel was hitting the floor. Only the din outside was dulling it.

The hand clapping and shouts of joy coming from the half – opened window, caught my attention. I went closer to it and saw a huge stage with two hosts and big audience all dressed in red. The noise became louder when two good-looking young men came on the stage. I could not see them well from my place, but I could say, they were both strong and high, with fit bodies.

My observation was interrupted by someone, who came into the room. It was a short slim man with long gray hair, moustaches and small dark eyes hidden behind square glasses. He was looking like a musketeer, but without the cape and the hat.

- Laurent Mekies, racing director of "Scuderia Ferrari" – the man introduced himself.

- Lissa Bernardi, applying for the "Strategist" position – we shook our hands.

- Nice to meet you, miss Bernardi! – he said with a light smile. – I saw in your CV, that you live in Modena.

- That's right! – I nodded and smiled. – I am born in Bologna but live in Modena. But why are you making this ascertainment?

- Well, your interview is listed in our schedule for tomorrow – Laurent said slowly. – Today is the car launch, so we do not have a time...

It was this moment, when I realized that all the psychology books and guides for first impression are going to be trashed.

- Is it my fault that your car launch date matches with the date written on my invitation letter? – I asked calm but the blood in my veins was already boiling.

- Well, it is my colleague's fault, but...

- The minutes you lost to tell me all of these, you could have used for my interview – I said and moved a strand of hair from my face. – Now, make sure you are going to ask me a few fast questions and we both could stop losing our time.

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