Return to King's Landing

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Note:  I swapped the birth order of Alicent's children. Thus in the second half of this chapter Aegon is 17, Aemond is 15 and Helaena is 13.

"The tradition amongst the Targaryens had always been to marry kin to kin. Wedding brother to sister was thought to be ideal. Failing that, a girl might wed an uncle, a cousin, or a nephew, a boy a cousin, aunt, or niece. This practice went back to Old Valyria, where it was common amongst many of the ancient families, particularly those who bred and rode dragons. The blood of the dragon must remain pure, the wisdom went."

- George R.R. Martin, Fire & Blood


"We have all been banished from court... for five years!"

"What?" Daemon snatched the scroll from his wife, eyes hastily scanning its contents.

"I wrote to my father, to inform him of our marriage. This is his response."

"No, this is Otto Hightower's response." Daemon tossed the offensive missive into the fire. "Mark my words, that cunt is planning to usurp your throne and means to keep you as far away from the court and your allies as possible."

Rhaenyra rested a hand on her swollen belly and took a deep, shuddering breath. The baby growing inside her kicked responsively.

Consumed by sudden white-hot rage, Daemon picked up the nearest object to hand and hurled it across the room. The crystal decanter shattered into a hundred pieces. Wine as red as blood dripped down the wall.

Five years! Five. Fucking. Years! Viserys could be dead before I set foot in that cursed place again!

Princess Rhaenyra wisely backed herself out of the room, leaving her husband alone with his thoughts.


An hour later, the rogue prince stormed up the stairs to his daughter's chambers and flung open the door.

"You are going to write to your cousin Helaena," he commanded. "We have been banished from King's Landing for five years, ostensibly as punishment for marrying without the King's blessing. We need an insider to keep us informed of what Hightower is planning. I receive regular reports from the men loyal to me in the city watch on the goings-on of King's Landing, but it's not enough. You must convince Helaena to confide in you."

"What makes you think Helaena is privy to her grandfather's plans?" Visenya asked reasonably. She was fond of Helaena, but her cousin had never struck her as particularly observant or as being interested in court politics.

"I do not think it," Daemon snapped, voice and body trembling with suppressed violence. "But what choice do we have? Alicent and Aemond are both too clever and loyal to let anything slip, Aegon is a wastrel and Daeron is an insignificant child. Helaena is the only member of Hightower's family who may be of use to us. Maintain a regular correspondence with her, and report anything we could use to our advantage!"


Three Years After Driftmark

"Helaena and Aegon have been formally betrothed," Visenya announced at the supper table. She rarely shared anything from Helaena's letters, not liking to spy on her cousin. But her father would no doubt hear of this news sooner or later, and he would be suspicious if she did not report it first.

"To whom?" asked Jace. Visenya did not miss the note of anxiety in his voice.

"To each other."

"Poor Helaena," Rhaenyra sighed, "she is only a child. When are they to be married?"

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