Chapter XV: Yule Ball

Start from the beginning

She wore high heels to create the illusion of being tall, since her date- Neville Longbottom- was exceptionally tall. Once ready, she glanced at the clocked that was in the room. It was just a few minutes past the ball beginning. Fashionably late, as Terry would put it.

Blair made her way out of the abandoned room, standing tall and confident with her wand wounded into her hair just in case. She didn't know why, but the feeling that she would need it was strong. Like a prick in her stomach.

Terry hadn't waited for her like she had expected. He must had been swept away by the eye candy of Hufflepuffs that seemed to attract him. So Blair moved down the hallways on her own, spotting little to no students in the corridors.

"You know, tardiness is frowned upon in Hogwarts." A voice spoke, causing Blair to jerk her head around as one of the twins stepped out from behind a statue of a witch. A secret passageway she was sure. The narrow face of Fred Weasley smiled at her, his hair slightly brushed, although it was untelling if he had actually touched it, and his dress robes fit him nicely.

"You're one to talk. Making a quick trip to Honeydukes?" Blair questioned, her eyes looking to the witch statue. Fred's smile tugged more into a smirk before he hung his head slightly, stepping towards her.

"Only grabbing a quick snack. Been waiting ages for George to come out. He got stuck with Katie Bell as his date." Fred explained, a glimmer in his eyes as if he had found it amusing. "She has had a crush on him since we started in first year."

"Poor him. Has a date that actually likes him, whatever will he do?" Blair teased. Fred shook his head as his arm made a move to wrap around her waist, pulling her to him.

"You look beautiful." He whispered as he tilted his head slightly to meet her gaze. Blair had felt like her lungs had frozen, growing heavy in her chest. Butterfly's swarming around them to hold them in place so they wouldn't just fall off into her stomach.

"You look rather cleaned up yourself." She commented back, brushing her hand lightly over his shoulder to rid it of a spiderweb from the tunnel. "But I have a date to go to-"

"He can wait a moment longer." Fred interrupted her. His brown eyes staring down into her own dark eyes. His head tilting to the side some as he leaned closer to her. Like he was planning on kissing her just as his brother had.

"Fred.." Blair started but Fred just shook his head, holding his lips right over her red ones for a second, only a second- although it had felt like hours for Blair, before pulling back from her and letting his arm drop from her waist.

"Save me a dance?" He questioned, although he left her no room to answer as he turned away and left her in the hall alone. Blair stood there, dumbfounded. It took a lot of work to leave her speechless and Fred had done it with a few simple movements.

Was he about to kiss her just as George had? Would she have let him? - Of course she would have. Fred and George Weasley had made it perfectly clear that they had every intention of being with Blair. Together. Of course, Blair didn't have a problem with Polyamorous relationships, since her parents were in one. But she wasn't sure how others would be with it. Fred and George didn't seem to even think about it as odd, which made her relax.

Blair sighed before turned to head off down the entrance staircase where Neville stood at the bottom of. Waiting. He looked handsome in his slightly oversized dress robes. His hair parted on the side and brushed neatly to curl behind his ears. He didn't even look nervous until his eyes glanced up the staircase to meet Blairs. Eyes growing large as he stepped up to the bottom stair and waited for her to make her way down.

"You look handsome, Neville." Blair complimented with a smile. A rush of pink ran up Neville's neck as he took a confident breath, his hand held out to take hers.

Between Beaters (F. & G. Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now