first week

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Kaen refused to let you leave the house even to hunt during the first week or so of your stay so you had to rely on Kasugai crows that you had under your spell to tell you what was going on.

"My lady, master wants to see you." Not looking in her direction you sneered. "How about he visits his future....bride instead of the other way around, I may be old fashioned but that's to much."

"Yes my lady." Deciding that you've put off reading some of the books Kaen put in your library for long enough you picked one up and read the title out loud "The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle." 'Might be good' (side note I highly recommend it's such a good book)

You sat on your bed and cracked it open, reading the book didn't take long for you between you being a speedy reader as a human that skill only became more refined over the years.

"Next time when the maid says for you to come you come." "Hello to you to. As far as I'm concerned you should be trying to win me over after all I'm to be your wife, I digress however one would think you have many women at your side."

"I'm not that weakling Douma or Akaza, I don't respect women or have them fawning over me if anything their pawns with that mentality I'm better than them."

Your marks glowed bright as you sped to Kaen and gripped his neck with your nails digging deep into his flesh. "Watch your tongue!" Your voice full of malicious venom.

"If you were even thinking of being better than Akaza, or Douma you wouldn't be keeping me here. As for bad-mouthing my associates, your forgetting who your talking to. If I ever and I mean ever so much as think your about to open your demeaning mouth to raise a verbal hand to my fellow moons you'll be resigning your life to me, understood!?"

Kaen hissed in pain as you dug your nails deeper. "This is your only warning." You whispered in his ear when you released him. Gasping for air Kaen fell on his knees and coughed up blood.

Groaning you summoned your maid "Kayin!" "Yes ma'am, OH MY GOD!" Kayin knelt down to Kaen's side trying to stop the blood flowing through a wound which should've healed by now.

"What do you know Tamayo's wisteria poison works, glad I hit her up for it." Hacking his lungs out Kaen barely managed to get out the words. "W-wistera but h-ow?" "Oh its a nifty little thing she made it just for me, I say that because she mixed it with my blood so it doesn't harm me."

You answered as you tossed a vial to Kayin. "The antidote, just put two drops wherever blood is pouring he should be fine, I'm feeling nice put him in my bed."

Kayin did as told and left not wanting to anger you. "Don't take my minor amounts of kindness as pity, I'm merely keeping you alive because your the only one with the key to this place, yes I know you lock me in this building I'm not stupid. And neither are you apparently for the locks are strong, to strong."

You faked your irritated expression, deep down a part of you actually cared for Kaen, but you couldn't let that show until he showed the same, it was a game of cat and mouse now, who would reveal first.

Sorry it's been so long guys hope you enjoyed the latest chapter of Enmu x reader see y'all in the next one

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