Club Death

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You left your home and went to a different city, your abilities worked well in this semi modern world though it is slightly offensive how humans now perceive demons nowadays. You came up on a line of humans trying to enter a club of sorts.

"How these places have changed, Daki would be appalled." The guard at the door seeing you walk away called you out. "Hey pretty lady, come on in your to beautiful to be alone tonight lots of entertainment inside!" Turning around you glared at the man.

"Believe me whatever you can offer in there cannot entertain me I've seen it all." But regardless you went inside with jeers of protest coming from the long line of people who were waiting for hours. "Shut it." The commanding tone of your voice shut them up fast.

True to your word as you entered the club you saw typical led lights a band who you have to admit wasn't bad and low and behold strip poles. A guy at the bar noticed you and called you over to him. "What." "Your new in town aren't you." "Not exactly I frequent this town, just not this shitty bar."

The man seemed offended "This place isn't shitty it's the best bar in the hanamachi!" "Please it's hardly a hanamachi, no geisha, no oiran." He whispered in your ear. "Only a whore would know what was in a hanamachi."

"Then you sir are the ugliest geisha I've ever met. My very best friends were born in the lowest caste of their hometowns hanamachi. Do not speak of what you do not know."

Offended the man reached for your hair to cut with a knife he had nearby. "You bitch, will take back those words." In one swift motion you snatched the knife from his hands and pressed it to his neck and showed the marks on your eyes.

"I will tell you this once, and one time only so listen well. You make a single sound I will kill you, you try to signal for help I will kill you and your family. I've had a pretty shitty day and ending you would make it far better, so I will ask you one time before my patience reaches it's end. Leave."

Hiding your marks and releasing the knife from his neck the man took the order and left with his dignity gone like the dinosaurs. Ordering a drink you scanned the crowd for your first victim, if you were here might as well deplenish your rage.

"Hell why not the entire place." You said to no one in particular. "Hi there, do you have a good voice?" A woman who you assumed to be the owner by her outfit asked in an innocent tone. "Best one in my family." What you weren't lying demons are your family.

The manager handed you a mic and pointed to the stage. "Sing any song you want so long as it's a male, female duet." There was a boy up there who like you probably got suckered into it like you. "Does the band know, 'Die from the six'?"

"That's an old song." "I listen to old music tell them to put it on." You walked up to the stage and felt sorry for the patrons and employees as you subtly hinted at their demise. "This will be the last song you hear tonight, hit it."

During the intro you shouted. "Thank you for coming to Kurabu shi!" Before the patrons could have a chance to escape your voice hypnotized them and your singing partner leaving you a chance to kill them all with no screams.


"Did you enjoy?" "I did, the food was to die for, do me a favor and change the name to Kurabu shi." Which means Club Death.

Sorry it took so long hope you enjoyed

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