The Eraser

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I wake up in a blindingly white headache-inducing cell. I can hear the buzzing and humming of the fluorescent lights.

This machine will, will not communicate.

I try with all my being to hold onto who I am, to who I used to be before but I can feel myself fading away with every new wave of treatment.

These thoughts and the strain I am under.

A nurse walks in with a wheelchair. It seems I am permitted to see the garden today. She smiles at me. I smile back, weakly.

She first takes me to the pond dotted with bright lime lily pads, koi fish and the small fountain. I can still hear the buzzing of lights even being near the rippling water. The fish swim in little circles beneath the waterline.

Be a world child, form a circle.

Before we all go under.

I know I am losing myself. Something that was part of me before, something important has been taken away. I am fading out again.

She next takes me to see the trees. Little birds care for their newborns in the nests that house them. She points them out to me and I try to pay close attention but I have lost too much of myself to be able to respond.

Cracked eggs, dead birds.

Scream as they fight for life.

I almost start to enjoy myself before she takes me back inside and hands me the pill. I force it down my throat as a tear escapes my eye. She is too kind, too sweet, why is she doing this to me? I regress into my mind going through everything again as I'm taken to the auditorium to erase more of my being.

I can feel death, can see its beady eyes.

"All these things into position!" The same intern, more upbeat than before.

All these things we'll one day swallow whole.

I knew I wouldn't be able to survive another round. 

And fade out again.

And fade out again.

My last thoughts before it all ends.

Immerse your soul in love.

Immerse your soul in love.

Fade out (again)Where stories live. Discover now