Chapter 9

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As the morning light begins to seep through the windows, Sienna and Paul stir from their slumber. Their bodies tangled together in the sheets, the remnants of their drug-fueled night still lingering in the air.

She groaned and tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness hit her and she lay back down on the bed. She could feel Paul's presence beside her and turned her head to look at him. He was sleeping soundly, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. Sienna looks over at Paul, still asleep beside her. She traces the lines of his face with her fingers, taking in every detail. In this moment, she feels a sense of peace that she hasn't felt in a long time.

But she can't help the pull that Paul has on her. She's drawn to his dangerous energy, his reckless abandon. And as much as she tries to resist, she can't seem to stay away.

The days blur together in a haze of drugs and sex, and Sienna begins to lose herself in Paul's world. She stops caring about anything but him. But even as she spirals deeper into his darkness, a small voice in the back of her mind whispers that this isn't the life she wants.

She tries to ignore it, to push it away, but it's always there, lurking just beneath the surface.

But as she looks at him now, tangled up in the sheets beside her, she can't bring herself to leave. Not yet, anyway.

She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to clear her head. As she lay there, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching the bedroom. She tensed, wondering who it could be.

The door creaked open and a man's voice spoke up. "Hey, you two. You need to wake up and get dressed. We have to go."

Sienna recognized the voice as one of her managers. She groaned inwardly, not wanting to deal with anyone right now. She heard Paul stir beside her and sit up.

"Alright, we're up," he said, his voice groggy.

Sienna slowly sat up, feeling the full weight of her headache. She looked around the room and saw clothes strewn all over the floor, empty beer bottles on the nightstand, and a faint smell of cigarette smoke.

She felt a pang of sadness as she realized how far she had strayed from her original dreams. She had wanted to make music and connect with people through her art, but now it seemed like drugs and partying had taken over her life.

She took a deep breath and stood up, swaying slightly. Paul put a hand on her shoulder, steadying her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

Sienna nodded, not trusting herself to speak. She just wanted to get out of there and go home.

Sienna's manager was waiting outside the bedroom, looking impatient. "Come on, let's go," he said, gesturing towards the door.

Sienna followed Paul out of the apartment, feeling a sense of relief wash over her as they stepped outside into the cool morning air.

Sienna was scheduled for a rehearsal in a small, dingy studio that smelled of old sweat and cigarettes. Paul came along to watch her, sitting on a dusty bench and smoking a cigarette. He watched her intently as she sang, her voice filling the space with a raw emotion that sent shivers down his spine.

Sienna noticed the look in his eyes and smiled, happy to have him there with her. She sang her heart out, losing herself in the music, while Paul watched her, captivated by her beauty and talent.

As the rehearsal came to an end, Paul stood up and took her hand. "Let's go," he said.

"Where?" Sienna asked, but Paul didn't answer. He led her out of the studio and into the hallway, then pushed open the door to the nearest restroom. Inside, he locked the door behind them.

Sienna felt a thrill of excitement mixed with fear. It was dirty and cramped in there, but there was something illicit and exciting about having sex in a public place. She let Paul press her against the wall and kiss her hard, his hands roaming over her body, he unplugged quickly her bra.

He lowered her pants very hard while she tried to unbutton his in a hurry, their mouths and tongues did not separate for a second.

Sienna felt her interior get wet and urgently asked for Paul's touch. When he managed to lower her pants, without waiting a second, he went through the lace of her underwear and put his fingers deep inside, giving small stimuli while with the other arm he tried to remove her blouse.

She separated her mouth from his for a moment to be able to take off her blouse and passed through her arms the unbuttoned bra, while she moaned in a low voice as she continued to feel Paul's fingers coming out and entering from inside.

Paul began to touch her breasts, pinching her nipples and attacking her mouth with her tongue and going down her neck a little, Sienna wanted to feel it even more. Paul took his hands out of Sienna's interior, took off his shirt, lowered his underwear, tangled Sienna's legs around her waist and placed his large hand on Sienna's neck, hanging her slightly; the pleasure was torturing Sienna at that point, she needed to feel everything inside her.

Sienna ran her hand all over his chest and abs, she wanted to feel every part of him and so under her hand to her erect limb, she touched the soft tip and began to raise her hand, stimulating Paul, torturing him in the same way as he did her. Paul realized her intentions and squeezed her neck even more, Sienna only moaned with pleasure while Paul gave hoarse moans in her ear.

She couldn't resist that torture anymore so in a sharp plea she told Paul that she needed it. Paul withdrew Sienna's hand from him and rammed her quickly and deeply, Sienna felt every inch of him completely, it was a very deep onslaught. He took out his limb slowly and introduced it again even more slowly. The pleasure that Sienna felt was inexplicable, she could feel everything to him, his tongue inside his mouth drowning the moans, his hand all over his neck increasing the pleasure and his member entering her again and again.

While the onslaughts increased the speed as well, Sienna wanted to scream for the great pleasure she felt, her head pounded against the wall and their colliding bodies made a sound, they were very close to reaching the climax.

Paul lifted her tightly and her breasts were at the height of his mouth. He began to suck her nipples, while he continued ramming her, Sienna's five senses were blinded by pleasure, she felt Paul's tongue giving small circles in her nipples as he went out and in, the friction down there was killing her, it was too much pleasure.

He sucked the nipples harder and increased the speed of the attacks, Sienna began to feel the climax, Paul changed his nipple and with his attacks he penetrated her even more strength and speed, the pleasure was too much. Sienna couldn't resist anymore, he sucked her nipple hard and penetrated her deeply, bringing them both to the climax.

As they fumbled with each other's clothes, Sienna couldn't help but think of how different this was from the slow, romantic love-making they'd had before. There was an urgency to it, a sense of desperate passion that made her feel alive.

After they were finished, they straightened their clothes and opened the door cautiously. The hallway was empty, and they sneaked away.

As they walked out of the rehearsal space, Sienna could feel the cold wind biting at her cheeks. Paul put his arm around her, pulling her close to keep her warm. She snuggled into his embrace, grateful for the warmth and safety he provided.

They walked silently for a while until Paul finally spoke up. "Sienna, I need to tell you something."

Sienna's heart skipped a beat. She knew from the tone of his voice that whatever he had to say was serious. "What is it?"

"I bought a gun," Paul said, his voice low and measured.

Sienna felt a chill run down her spine. "Why? What do you need a gun for?"

Paul hesitated for a moment before answering. "I've been getting threats. I don't know who they're from or what they want, but I don't want to take any chances."

Sienna felt a lump form in her throat. She had never felt this kind of fear before. "What are we going to do?"

Paul looked at her, his expression serious. "We're going to be careful. We're going to stay alert and watch our backs. And if we need to use the gun to protect ourselves, we will."

Sienna nodded, but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that settled in her stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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