Chapter 5 - Beginning of the Term

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Garreth's POV

After going to bed the night before, I found myself unable to sleep. I wanted to create a potion that tasted like your favourite foods. I'd been experimenting with it all summer long, and although I was getting closer, it was still not quite right.

I picked up my worn notebook, in which I kept track of all my experiments, and made my way down to the common room. I sat down in a tall-backed chair along the wall and started reviewing my notes. The fireplace softly crackled away as I turned the page, a gentle rhythm in the background while I tried to focus.

At some point, I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of light footsteps, and someone whispering. I looked up and saw two dark figures plunk down on the sofa right in front of the fireplace. From where I was sitting, I could hear every word they were saying, although they were talking in hushed voices.

I recognized those voices, it was Nellie and y/n. I was about to make my presence known to them, when I heard my last name and the word 'potion' being used in the same sentence. Intrigued by what they were talking about, I continued to listen in silence.

I had given y/n the last bottle of my Flask of Revelations. Now that she had fulfilled her wish of returning to Hogwarts, I was curious about what she might have seen after taking it a second time.

What I heard next surprised me greatly, and without thinking I piped up, "Who kissed you?". I did not expect what happened next. Before I knew what was happening, a pillow had flown through the air, hitting me square in the face, before dropping at my feet. I let out a groan, more in surprise than pain. 

"What was that for?", I asked the now empty sofa. The sound of retreating footsteps, as they got further and further away.

After sitting there in disbelief for what felt like forever, and not knowing what else to do, I returned to my dormitory. It wasn't like I could go chasing after them, boys were not allowed to enter the girl's dormitories, and this law was enforced by magic.

I laid down in my bed, surprised to feel an unsettled feeling in my chest.

I had no clue what had spurred this feeling on. Was I upset because I had clearly interrupted a vulnerable moment between two friends? Because y/n had decided to share her experience of my potion with Nellie, and not me? Would y/n have shared this with me at some later point if I had not interrupted them?

They kissed me.

Or was I upset because y/n had seen herself being kissed by someone else?


As the morning sun shone through the stained glass, I made my way out of the common room. The thought of the bacon and fried sausages waiting for me in the Great Hall were positively mouthwatering.

As the portrait of the Fat Lady swung open, I spotted Nellie. She was walking next to Cressida. I rushed to catch up with them, gently grabbing the sleeve of Nellie's robe, pulling her to the side. Her face, at first confused that her sleeve had been tugged, darkened when she saw that it was me.

Brilliant... I'm off to a great start.

"What do you want Weasley?". I bit back a comedic response. I had a feeling that Nellie might actually hit me if I made light of the situation, so I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I really did not mean to eavesdrop on your conversation last night. In my defence, I was already sitting there when you guys came down. Is it really my fault that the two of you had a private conversation right in front of me?"

Without a word she pushed past me and started walking away.

"Nellie! I am sorry. I don't know what to say, okay?".

Nellie stopped, pivoted on her left foot and turned right around towards me. She was looking up at me, mixed emotions on her face. Then she took a deep breath, and with a sigh, she said "It's fine. Just don't ever do it again, and do me a favour and do not mention it to y/n. She will bring it up herself if she pleases or not, but it should be her choice, okay?"

"Okay" I answered, putting my hands up in surrender.

A smile returned to Nellie's face. Seems like I made the right choice in bringing it up with her. "Are you ready for a new year of classes? I think the class that I am most looking forward to is Transfiguration. I can't wait to start learning about Human Transfiguration".


Y/n was already sitting at the Gryffindor table having breakfast. I sat down opposite her, and I could swear that I saw her visibly wince when she saw me.

"Good morning!" I exclaimed putting on the biggest, brightest smile I could muster. "Ready for our first day of classes? I guess we are N.E.W.T. students now".

I made some small talk with y/n, and it seemed to put her at ease. I would follow Nellie's instructions and not mention anything related to what I overheard last night.

They kissed me.

In between the small talk, I couldn't help but look around the Great Hall, wondering who it was that y/n wanted to kiss her. I was sure that it was a witch or a wizard in our year, the only question was who?

I shook my head, it was none of my business. Y/n would tell me if it was something that she wanted me to know. I still felt the sting of hurt though. 

For the Love of Potions | A Garreth Weasley FanficWhere stories live. Discover now