I Have a Fan?

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I was sitting down by a tree not doing anything when Bubble came over by me and sat down.  We sat there silently for a bit of time until I said something.  "Um, Bubble what are you doing here?" 

Bubble then looked at me and asked.  "I noticed you spend alot of time with Fanny.  Is there something going on between you?"  I was shocked by the question, me and Fanny are good friends but I don't think we would get along good in a relationship, so I told Bubble.  "No... were just good friends."

Bubble then looked to the side and talked again.  "Oh thanks for answering my question then!"  Bubble then walked away to who knows where.  I ended up following Bubble because... well that question couldn't have came out of nowhere. 

I found Bubble talking with Teardrop.  "No they aren't in a relationship, why did you want me to ask though?"  Bubble asked Teardrop.  Teardrop then wrote on a notepad that I couldn't see from where I was standing and showed it to Bubble.  Bubble gasped when she saw the writing.  "You like (O/N)?"  Teardrop nodded and I ended up gasping. 

They must've heard me gasping because they looked in my direction, but I hopped in a conveniently placed bush so they didnt see me. 

Teardrop likes me?  This is alot to take in.  I mean, we only interacted a bit in BFDI but I never thought she would like me.  I don't know if I like her back though. 

(Hiatus) (Fanny x Reader) I Hate Hating YouWhere stories live. Discover now