Marshmallow Cheesecake: Apo

Start from the beginning

She tossed him an invisibility potion.

"Meet us at the usual spot. Don't let anyone see you." she nodded to the potion in his hands. "That'll give you around 15 minutes, 20 at most. Doors open in six minutes. Use that time wisely. I'll meet you there." And with that she closed the portal, and Owen started coughing.

Apo drank the invisibility potion, feeling the sensation of the potion run through his body.

And then he ran. He ran through familiar areas, and not. He dodged trees, and jumped over streams. He realized there was no danger in people seeing him, so he started walking instead. He came to a large, open area. There was a depression in the ground in front of him that had a large campfire in the middle, and a girl with split blue/brown hair was sitting on the ground by the fire, sadly studying a stick with a marshmallow on the end.

Magic, Apo thought.

A girl with long, purple hair, and a golden halo on her head joined her by the campfire. Apo recognized her as Ayngel. An angel. Man, her parents must have been creative, Emmy thought inside his head. He chuckled. He realized he shouldn't be making any sound, and backed further into the trees.

"Rasbi not coming?" Ayngel asked.

"Well, she hasn't yet. She said she would, though," Magic responded, determination hinting at her voice, as if she were reassuring herself that Rasbi would come. Oh Magic, Apo thought.

Ayngel must have been thinking the same thing. The wings on her head fluttered closer to her hair.

That reminded him of something. What had he read about angels? Apo figured it wasn't important.

"Well, even if it's just us, which it won't be, because I see someone else coming, it will be nice just to spend time alone with you, Magic." Ayngel said, softly.

"Really? Where? " Magic asked, ignoring the second part of her sentence and clearly hyped to see if it was Rasbi, looking around wildly. She couldn't see anyone.

Ayngel pointed right at Apo. And suddenly Apo remembered what he read about full-blood angels. They could see people no matter what effect they had on them. Including invisibility.

Magic squinted into the darkness. "I don't see anyone."

Ayngel squinted at Apo, who was frozen in place in the trees. "Come to think of it, I don't exactly recogni-" she stopped short.

The sky grew a foreboding shade of red-orange, and Apo, to his relief, heard the doors open. So he ran.

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, to the doors, with the levers. Apo twisted his body to the side to fit through the still opening doors, and he could hear Ayngel chasing him and Magic chasing after Ayngel.

Magic stopped chasing Ayngel when she ran through the doors. Great, Apo thought to himself. Lost one of them. He decided to take a shortcut. Or a long cut, as he was trying his best to shake off Ayngel. He zigged around corners. They jumped expertly over walls, and raced through jungles. He stopped, listening for footsteps.

No Ayngel.

He started walking towards the dead end where the passage was. Apo kept his senses alert for if Ayngel did follow him. He put his satchel on the floor and opened it, reaching down into the large compartment. Apo ended up putting his whole arm into the seemingly shallow bag, thanks to Daisy's room-expanding charm-thingy and his bad organization skills. He shuffled around the mess and finally found the charmed stone, the one he used to open portals.

As they pulled it out of the bag Emmy's voice went, Or you could've used your spirit charm.

Wait, that'll work?! You never told me that, Apo thought back.

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