chapter 8 (BTS edition💜)

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After traveling for a long time they decided to stop near a water body to have some rest and food . They all sat down near the shade of a large tree . While the servants who had accompanied them were cooking food for everyone .

Vrishali was still angry with uncle rudra so bhanumati and Neha tried to cheer her up but they were failing , they could see how she was trying to look okay , but the jovial glow that persisted on her pretty face was missing . Finally karna found out that his sweet wife was in a bad mood and tried his best to brighten her up . He used some magic tricks while everyone where sitting & watching in awe . Neha could easily guess the tricks that he was doing but she didn't want to spoil the fun for others , especially for vrishali . She was behaving like a happy child who had seen magic for the first time and it was so lovely to watch .

karna was successful in his mission to cheer up his wife . She was back to her oldself . Neha had spent enough time with vrishali that she already knew her so well , although she radiated happy vibes all the time , It only needed slightest of reasons to upset her . For Neha she was the best friend she had ever had . She has had many friends in her life , but vrishali was different from them all . Vrishali was someone whom she could count on when in need . Like the old saying goes " A friend in need is a friend indeed " .

After karna's showed his magic tricks everyone decided that each of them will perform something while the others watch . Duryodhana bluntly rejected saying that he had a respectable reputation as a king and it was not suitable for him to do such childish acts . Bhanumati mocked her husband saying , that he had no skills of such sort to show that's why he was not showing anything . She had hurt Duryodhana's ego so he decided to show them what he was capable of .

Duryodhana started singing a song in Sanskrit .To which everyone were giving angry glares at bhanumati after tightly covering their ears as it was a torture to listen . Bhanumati pleaded her husband and took back every single word she had uttered earlier . Duryodhana twisted his long moustache proudly after his successful performance . Everyone heaved a sigh of relief .

Next was bhanumati who followed her husbands path and began singing a song but it was so melodious unlike her husband . On everyone's request she sang two more songs and finally stopped as she was feeling tired after the journey and of hunger . Neha was feeling nervous that she too had to perform something . She knew songs but only in Hindi . She knew dance but not a proper one . She could dance in party along with others , it didn't require proper steps nor practice she simply had to do move her body along the rhythm of the music or imitate others .

Everyone were looking at vrishali and Neha . Neha somehow managed to push vrishali to go first . Neha had seen vrishali dancing before , many times in anga . She had a dance teacher named harshini who used to come to the palace from time to time to teach dance to vrishali . The dance form was a bit similar to classical dance of her time that she had seen in tv , it had many forms she was not aware of , but it looked similar to them . They just used to call it dance in Sanskrit . Vrishali was a graceful dancer , her body was so flexible and each steps was so precise that Neha thought that vrishali was dancing so far better than her teacher harshini . Vrishali had insisted her to join in dance classes like few of her other friends who were interested in dance used to practice along with her , but Neha declined saying she loved watching rather than to dance .

Vrishali went to the chariot to pick a special anklet that produced more sound , it was specifically used while dancing . After wearing them she started her dance . There was no song but the sound produced by the anklet were melodies to the ears and her dance was a visual treat to everyone's eyes . Her every step was so gracious that everyone were spellbound by her dance . Everyone clapped with their full energy when the dance had ended and vrishali was so happy about it .

Neha was feeling nervous that it was her turn the next one but luckily the food was ready and everyone were so stricken by hunger that they decided to eat first .

After having food karna , duryodhana and bhanumati decided to have a nap under the tree by leaning on the tree . Vrishali had something to show to neha so she took neha towards the chariot to give her the surprise . Neha was so excited to know what it was all about . Vrishali asked her to close her eyes and later when she was asked to open her eyes , She was really shocked , her eyes were filled with tears . Vrishali had handed over a painting of neha's parents . Just like the one she had shown her several times when she had switched on her phone while in anga .

Neha asked her how she was able to do that as to paint a picture anyone would have to look at the picture for a long time , she had not shown the picture to anyone but vrishali . It was clear that it was made by vrishali . This was something she never knew vrishali was capable of , painting was so good and that too she had panted it after having seen those pics a few times , with just the memory of the picture that she had shown her . She might have shown her like a few times and with that she had perfectly painted her parents . She was both amazed by her marvelous skill and felt greatful for giving her the thing she so badly missed . She missed her parents so badly and her only way to see them was through her phone and that too was a temporary  way as it's battery was dying . Now there was about 40 % of battery left . She would completely switch of the phone to reduce the battery drain and it worked to some extent . But now she didn't need her phone to look at her parents . She had vrishali's painting of her parents . she could look at them anytime , anywhere. It was the best gift she needed at that time .

Neha hugged her friend with tears falling from her eyes . She was so happy . Vrishali tried to stop her friend from crying . Neha wanted to do something in return to make vrishali happy like she made her . She knew vrishali loved to watch her phone everytime she would open it . It was a magic to her to see how it works so she took her phone from her package of things from the chariot . They sat down under the tree and Neha switched on her phone , battery showed 40 % . Neha didn't care , only purpose of her phone was to look at her parents picture but now she had their painting with her .

She opened YouTube to find some of the videos she has saved earlier before she had landed here . She had only shown pics to vrishali in the past , she didn't want to drain the battery by showing videos . They were many videos that she had saved among them her favourite was of k-pop ( Korean pop ) band BTS . BTS was like her soul . She loved them so much . It was by their songs and videos that She had learned the importance of self love . She was an army 💜 and She was proud of it .

She opened a music video of BTS and showed it to vrishali . Vrishali was so amazed to see video form . It was totally magical experience with all the sound and moving pictures that made it look she was watching it happen in live . Vrishali was interested by the way they were singing and dancing at fast pace , she didn't understand anything but it was different experience to hear it and their dance was so different from the one she knew . She was amazed by everything . when the video was over vrishali requested like a child that she wanted to watch it again as it was over so soon . Neha was melted by her cuteness and she played it again . It made her happy to see that her friend was enjoying every bit of 'bts 💜' just like her . After the video was over vrishali said " These girls are dancing so well , I want to learn their steps  , can you teach me please " .

Neha eyes widened as she heard it . Vrishali was asking so innocently she realised she genuinely thought they were girls . Neha told her that they were guys . Vrishali was so shocked that she asked her to play the video to see if what Neha was saying was true.  If it was someone else other than vrishali she would have already had a fight with them for trying to mock her dearest BTS . But she knew vrishali was just being innocent and it was the cultural differences of different times .


BTS army ? 💜💜

Don't hate on vrishali she doesn't know ❤️

A little bit long chapter so either ignore or let me know if there's serious error. I really hope you enjoy reading it . Please do vote and comment if you like it . Thank you 💙 .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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