chapter 4

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Neha was enjoying her stay in anga but at times she missed her parents . She felt like crying sometimes at the thought of her parents . Vrushali was talking to her about her parents , thats when neha could'nt control herself , tears started pouring down . Vrushali tried to console her , neha leaned her head on vrushali's shoulders and kept sobbing , vrushali didn't know why she was crying all of sudden but she tried hard to console neha , tried to ask her what had happened , but neha didn't answer . Neha remembered about her phone that she had kept safely , the latest iphone model which was so costly , still she had somehow managed to convince her father to purchase it for her . Her college friends were jealous of her when she had shown it to them . Neha told vrushali that she would be back soon and went to get her phone which she had hid in the room in which she was staying. After taking it , she went back to vrushali's chamber .

She turned on her iphone . Vrushali was watching neha curiously , she didn't know what the rectangular thing that neha was holding . It was emitting light from it . She was watching everything with awe . Neha found out that there was 70% battery , she felt glad for Having got this phone . If it was the previous phone that she had used , the battery would have gone dead by now . Neha opened the gallery to find pics of her family and showed it to vrushali. Vrushali watched it with wonder . She had never seen anything like this before , It felt like magic for her . The only way to preserve someone's image was through painting . But this was not like that , neha showed her many images . And she did some magic with those like zooming it and making it tiny and all those things , she touched the thing to make all these happen . She asked neha what this magical thing was and neha narrated her story of how she had landed here , along with the details of the device . Vrushali could not believe it but the thing she was holding, it didn't seem something from her time . Neha asked her if she believed her , for a few minutes vrushali analysed everything and neha didn't seem like lying, she was different from everyone around there . While narrating neha didn't say anything about mahabharata, she didn't know why but she didn't want vrushali to worry about her future , which she thought was her loosing her husband in a bloody war . Neha then took few pics of vrushali . Vrushali admired her own pics and had fallen in love with the magical device that neha was showing her . They took some selfies and then neha used some filters like them having moustache , them looking like avatar characters and many other funny filters . After having fun for sometime neha noticed that the battery had now lowered to 50% she told vrushali about battery being low and that there was no way to charge it so she had to turn it off , incase it came of use some other time . Vrushali didn't understand anything she said so neha tried to explain with an anology , she told her about how humans had to eat in order to have energy to work and survive similarly even the phone had to take food but the food for it was something called charge and to charge , it needed electricity and it wasn't available here . Vrushali was able to understand a little so she told neha to keep it safely . Neha saw that vrushali was really in love with that thing, she felt sad that she could not use it for more time . She then explained to vrushali about how she was going to go back to her world , she told her about how she had to meet krishna for that . Vrushali told her that she would tell her husband about everything and he would help neha to meet krishna but she told neha to stay for some more time before leaving . Vrushali felt sad at the thought of loosing her favourite friend . She wanted to spend more time with her . Neha agreed , she too wanted to spend some more time with her best friend .

Meeting Hall

A meeting was held by karna . vrushali and neha were also present . It went like normal but the meeting was interrupted when an old man came rushing inside the hall abruptly . Neha was wondering why the guards had not stopped him . He had a long beard and long unkempt hair , both greyed . Neha thought that he could be a sage judging by his appearance . Her guess was correct , she came to know it when she heard ministers and guards uttering the name "Vysasa Maharishi" as they saw him and bowing their heads and folding their hands and greeting him . She had a respect for vysasa for writing Mahabharata . She too showed her respect now , but when she turned to see karna and vrushali they were still , they didn't show any signs of greeting the revered sage . She wondered why .

Vysasa : I heard that you are doing adharma in anga .

Karna : maharishi , I think you have heard it wrong

Vysasa : you are allowing lower caste people to enter temples , giving them access to education , treating them as equal to other caste . It is written in sacred text how people should be treated and how they must lead their life based on their birth. You are doing adharma by breaking the rules that gods have made.

Vrushali : maharishi , I'm a princess , a high born , but I dont think what's written in it matters. Firstly, if gods have written those texts then why would they try to be partial towards one section of people, when everyone are childrens of god . Would a mother be partial towards her one child and neglect others , I don't think so .

Karna smiled at his wifes wise reply .

Neha was astonished that even the great sage who wrote Mahabharata was having this kind of ideology . She was in agreement with everything vrushali said .

Vysasa was not happy .

Vysasa : (he smiled ) one does not think clearly when his doom is near . You will soon pay for your foolishness .

Saying this he galloped out of the hall .

Neha couldn't believe this was the person she had read about , she was in deep thoughts about how everything she had read was going wrong . She got curious to know about what would have really happened in karna and vrushali's life , In Mahabharata .


I wrote this in a hurry and I dont have time to recheck for errors so If you find out something you can point out by comments, I will make amends .

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