chapter 2

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It's been some time since she had shut her eyes tightly fearing the pain she will have to endure when she crashes and then may be even die , but nothing was happening , she waited for some more time , her eyes shut . And then it happened , her body hit the earth  . But something was strange , there was no pain . She opened her eyes , she was lying face down . She got up and wiped the mud from her clothes . She probed around the space to find her scooty but didn't find any trace of it . It was so strange and miraculous that she had fallen from a great height and nothing happened to her , not even a scratch . She couldn't believe all this so she tried to pinch herself to see if she had dreamt all this but she felt the pain in her arm . She still had her phone with her but there was no signal in it . She walked around and she was surrounded by trees on all side , she was in a forest , It was so peaceful and quiet there. She had to find a way out of the forest and get help . She started walking when suddenly her eyes fell on a hut . There were 5 men nearby , they looked like they were practicing something . She quietly watched them . One of them had a bow and was trying to shoot birds in the sky , he was dark and fit . One had a mace ,he was very huge in size, he was swinging his mace in air like fighting with an invisible opponent. One had spear and was practicing with other person who was also holding a spear . One was simply watching others . She observed them for a few minutes and then thought of asking help from them . She swiftly walked towards them and told them the story about how she had landed there . They looked like tribal people judging by their clothing and where they lived .

They looked puzzled like they didn't understand a thing she said . Then a dark and slender women came out of the hut . She was good looking . She came out and asked them something . It took her some time to understand what she asked .

She talked in Sanskrit, it was strange . Neha had learned Sanskrit in school days . She was good in it and now she could remember it even after few years of not using it , those times she was highest scorer when it came to sankrit and while most of her classmates found it very hard to learn . The women had asked those men about who she was .

She heard one of them say " we don't know draupadi, she is talking wierd , we can't understand anything "

"Draupadi" did she really hear that , Did people use that name nowadays . It was first time she had seen someone having that name.

She was wondering why they were talking in Sanskrit which was not used at all , from what she knew , it was used only in school for studies . She understood that they didn't know Hindi , but she didn't have experience with talking in Sanskrit . She could understand words and understand meaning but talking was a different thing. But she had no choice, she had try to communicate with them with little knowledge she had .

" I got lost of the way , please help me to get out of this forest " she said as telling the whole story in sankrit was not something she could do atleast at the moment . She had somehow managed to convert words to sankrit and make this sentence .

" She seems to have lost her way , let's help her " one of them said .

And then she heard them all agreeing and then from the hut came another women , a little older one , she was fair and a little heavy .

" Draupadi, what are you doing there , come help me prepare food " she heard the women say .

" Arjuna , who is that women wearing strange clothes " she asked the dark and muscular one of the five .

Neha thought it was just coincidence that he had the name arjuna .

" Maa she got lost , she is asking us help to show her way out this forest " he said to the older women

" Then go help her and be back soon   " the older women replied

Neha decided to go with them , they didn't seem like someone who would try to harm her . She followed them as they five walked ahead asking her to follow them .

" Are you all brothers " she asked them

" Yes , my name is nakula and they are arjuna , bheema , sahdeva , yudhishthira" he pointed
his fingers and told her their names ,   introducing them .

She couldn't understand why in the world they took names from Mahabharata .

" So your mother must be kunti and your common wife draupadi " she asked them mockingly .

" should we feel shocked " sahadeva aksed . "Everyone in aryavrata knows us " . They all grinned .

" I know you are joking " she said, as she thought they were trying to make fun .

" Our mother is kunti and wife draupadi " yudhishthira told her , he looked really serious.

She thought they were trying to fool her . But she was in no mood , she wanted to get out of there at the earliest so she decided to not ask anything further .

" You look beautiful " the guy who had introduced himself as arjuna told her .

" Thanks " she said feeling awkward.

He spoke again " You know , we are princes of hastinapura , we are hiding in forest for some reason which we can't disclose , but soon we will be out of here "

" Ohh " she said playing along with him .

" Yes , you are so beautiful and I wish to marry you "

What the heck , she couldn't believe her ears . She decided to be polite .

" I'm sorry , I'm not interested " she said .

" I wasn't asking  " he said and started approaching near her .

She felt a pang of fear as the dark man was getting closer to her , she felt like running from them but she wanted to know if he was simply joking .

But it didn't seem so , He kept coming closer and his brothers too were trying to surround her . Their intentions clear , their eyes showing their true nature . It was foolish of her to trust them and go with them . Without thinking she just ran for her life from the monsters . She could hear their running footsteps for some time but she kept running and hiding behind trees and bushes , finally getting away from them . Then she took some rest breathing heavily after the run .

Then she heard some footsteps nearby she ran again , she kept running and finally was out of forest .
She was now running in a road but strangely it was different from normal roads like it was made differently . She was not in a state to ponder over such things so she kept running . At a distance she saw a chariot approaching . It looked glorius and entirely different from what she had seen in tv shows till now . But what was a chariot doing here , are they shooting for a tv show , she thought . It stopped near her . charioteer was a middle aged man .
Before she could ask him for help , a young man came out of it .

Neha in Mahabharata Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu