Chapter 5 The acceptance

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The Na'vi prepared for war as the clans came together to be ready for the battle to protect their home planet and their mother Eywa. Kairiki watched as the mothers, children, elderly, and sick people gathered around the tree of souls and prayed for the safety of their loved ones and their victories in this war.

Kairiki watched over them all as the Na'vi around him gathered. Tsu'tey did not know how to explain his feelings, but he knew that he wanted to talk to kairiki before they left, or he may regret the decision forever. walking to the tree of souls he entered though the branches and watched as the vines swayed and moved with every step he took.

Walking though he came to a stop and held his breath as he watched Kairiki braid his hair into a battle style. The way his tail swished and flicked though the air. And the way his muscles in his arms flexed and twitched as he did the braids. Tsu'tey stood transfixed at the sight before him. Kairiki listened and smiled as his sister Eywa told him of Tsu'tey and slowly turned around finishing his last braid.

Standing up he walked closer to Tsu'tey and brought his hand up cupping the young warrior's face. What has made you so confused and anxious young warrior? Tsu'tey stared up at him parting his lips as if to speak, but no words came to him. Closing his mouth Tsu'tey took a deep breath in before speaking.

I have watched you since the day you awoke at the tree of souls. Brother of Eywa and great warrior. I have watched as you protected our people from danger, guided us in our time of need, and nurtured the young ones, all while I watched this feeling I should not have has come to be. Kairiki listened to the young warrior and held his breath letting him tell him he too had come to notice but did not act on these feelings due to not knowing if it was right to. His sister hearing and sensing these thoughts gave him a mental shove. He deserved to be happy for all that he had done. The multiple sacrifice that he has put forward for her and her children. Smiling, he turned to Tsu'tey and smiled.

Oh, young warrior for all that you worry it is not you who should be the one that has to worry but I. For you see that in all my many years that I have been in existence you are the first who has made me feel this way. Tsu'tey did not know what to say for on this important day he was finally able to understand what this feeling was and why he had acted on it.

Kairiki smiled and leaned down watching for any sign of rejection to his action. Seeing none he smiled and closed the distance the rest of the way sealing his lips to the warrior known as Tsu'tey. The kiss was warm and gentle and the spark that went between them felt right for both of them. Tsu'tey melted into the kiss as he clung to the older being before him. It was like he felt protected and safe, that none of his worries would get to him because he knew that kairki would keep him and his people safe from harm.

Pulling back Kairiki held the young one close. I know what you wish, but now it is not the time for my young warrior. Go be with the others, protect your home and if you ever need me call me and I shall be at your side. Kissing Tsu'teys head he pushed him back though the vines and went back to him talk with his sister Eywa.

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