Chapter 49: Almost Enough

Start from the beginning

Fred was just around the corner, listening to the conversation. He'd heard the words from Emilia's own mouth, something he'd suspected for months. He nodded to himself and pushed off the wall, walking back across the house.

Fred knew that Emilia was right, they were best friends. And that shouldn't change. He'd rather get over her than lose her, and the only way he'd do that was by distancing himself for a little while, and moving on.

The day before the school year began, the twins invited Emilia, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny to come to the shop and then they'd all go to the Leaky Cauldron together.

Emilia looked around the shop in amazement at how lively it was, with countless Hogwarts students undoubtedly preparing for the upcoming school year by purchasing the varied array of Weasley products.

"Step up! Step Up!" The twins exclaimed from the top of the stairs, catching her attention.

"We've got Fainting Fancies!" George said loudly.

"Nosebleed Nougats!" Fred added.

"And just in time for school, Puking Pastilles!" George finished.

Emilia laughed as the Hogwarts students ran around excitedly, being the last day they could visit the shop before heading back to school on the train in the morning.

She walked around with Hermione and Ginny, perusing the shelves and squeezing between the huge crowds in the shop.

She met Fred's eye when she looked up to the stairs and gave him a wave, and he smiled and waved back, and then George leaned over the railing and gave her a two-fingered salute.

It was hard to believe that summer was already over, and that Emilia would be starting as a teaching assistant just the following day. She knew she'd be helping McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout, but she also would be helping out in the Potions classroom, and the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.

She was nervous, but she was excited too, the idea of teaching really making her feel like she was on the right track, and like it was what she was meant to do.

She glanced over to the twins again, and saw Fred at the bottom of the stairs, chatting to a girl who was vaguely familiar, and he was laughing at something she'd said, and she put her hand on his arm while she smiled at him.

"What are these supposed to be?" Ginny asked, and Emilia turned away from Fred, ignoring whatever jealousy was bubbling up inside her.

"Love Potions, apparently," Emilia said, eyeing the bright pink display.

Hermione curiously picked up a bottle, "surely they're not real?"

"I doubt it," Emilia answered, and she found herself looking back to see where Fred and the girl were, but she couldn't see them anywhere.

Before she could spare it another thought, familiar voices behind the three of them made them jump in surprise.

"Hello, ladies!" The twins said in unison as they appeared behind them, and Ginny flipped off her brothers for scaring them.

"Love potions, eh?" George grinned, "yeah, they really do work!"

"Then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own," Fred teased.

Ginny glared, "meaning?"

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" Fred asked her.

Ginny looked away, fighting a smile, "it's none of your business."

"Emilia? Hermione? What's got you browsing?" George asked with a grin.

Hermione immediately put down the bottle, "curiosity, quite frankly. I'm surprised you two managed to even get a licence for this."

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