Chapter 15: Burned

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Emilia was frozen in place behind the wall of the courtyard, tears filled her eyes as she listened to Fred arguing with Roger. Her mind was begging her to intervene, but her body was refusing to move.

"I wasn't doing anything, it was just a bit of harmless fun. And you ought to mind your own business, Weasley," Roger sneered and Fred straightened up, his taller frame making Roger frown uncomfortably.

"This is my business, Davies. I just caught you snogging some fourth-year, while your girlfriend, who happens to be one of my best friends, by the way, is inside waiting for you to spend some bloody time with her for once!" Fred spat angrily and Emilia felt her heart beating quickly.

"Surely you understand me, Weasley. When the chase is over, it just gets mundane, you know? It's been three months, it just isn't the same anymore. You can't blame me for looking elsewhere," Roger said with a shrug, as if it was the simplest explanation in the world.

"You're vile," Fred seethed, "don't you realise how good you have it? You have a girl in there who really likes you, and you just want to throw all that away? You're a bigger tosser than I thought."

"If you care so much, why don't you date her then, Weasley?" Roger retorted and Emilia's breath caught in her throat.

"We're friends, we don't see each other like that. Not that I have to explain myself to you of all people," Fred snapped and Emilia felt her eyes burning with unshed tears.

"I'm not stupid, I noticed all the glares you gave me when I was with her. And I know you got her that stupid flower," Roger spat and realisation dawned on Emilia.

The rose. It was from Fred.

"What? I didn't get- well you know what, I think she deserved to get something, considering I know for a fact you didn't bother getting her anything, just like you said to your mates when you thought nobody could hear you," Fred replied angrily. "I just knew you'd pull a stunt like this, Davies, because you're just that fucking shallow."

"Whatever, chap. I know you won't say anything because she won't believe you, since you two spend most of your time bickering anyway, so it seems like we're at a stalemate. I'm just going to-"

"Oi, you are not about to go in there and act like everything is normal, you sly, disloyal, pretentious b-"

Emilia heard a loud smack and a groan of pain, which was enough to snap her out of her frozen trance, and she immediately ran into the courtyard where Fred was doubled over, clutching his face, and Roger was clenching and unclenching his fist.

"Fred!" Emilia gasped as she ran over and saw that Roger had very clearly just punched Fred in the face.

Fred straightened up, and went to swing back at Roger but Emilia got there just in time and grabbed his wrist, pushing him back a step, "Fred, don't."

Roger sighed loudly in relief, "thank Merlin, your mate here just went completely mental for no reason-"

"No you don't, you absolute prick," she snapped, cutting him off as she turned from Fred to glare at Roger who'd gone pale. "I heard everything. We're finished. Get out of my sight."

Roger hesitated and opened his mouth to speak but Emilia stopped him with a venomous glare, "NOW"

He backed away and hurried inside, and Emilia had to put her hands on Fred's chest to stop him from chasing after Roger.

"Please let me beat him up," Fred growled, his eyes glinting furiously in the darkness of the courtyard, lit only by the lanterns, but Emilia kept her hands on him to stop him.

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