Chapter 49: Almost Enough

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A/N: Sorry, pls don't hate me </3

Fred woke up after tossing and turning for the whole night, thinking about the girl in the room next to him and how much he wished she was there with him, warm in his arms, in his bed. The thought made him overly hot, and he had to cool down somehow.

He got up and went to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face in the sink. Then, when he'd cooled down significantly, he walked down the corridor of the apartment to see the spare bedroom door open, the curtains drawn to let the early morning sunlight in and the bed made.

The pyjamas he'd loaned Emilia were neatly folded on the bed, with a folded piece of parchment on top with his name hastily written on top, torn from a random notebook on the table in the room.


Thanks for letting me stay last night, sorry if I made things weird.

I said it last night but I meant it, you're my best friend.

I had fun though! I hope George is okay haha.

Thanks again, and see you soon.


Fred refolded the note, planning to keep it despite the disappointment he felt in his chest when he read it.

The following week, they were all at the Burrow, and Emilia was helping Molly to clean up after dinner.

"Emilia, dear," Molly said as she towel dried the clean plates, "I hope you won't mind me being nosy."

Emilia put the clean cutlery back in the drawer and looked up, "no, of course not."

Molly was trying very hard to fight a smile, "you know you can tell me anything, yes?"

Emilia was growing very suspicious, "yes, I know that, why?"

Taking her sweet time to answer the question, Molly put the plates away, "I'm just wondering what's going on between you and Fred."

Emilia dropped the handful of forks she was holding loudly into the drawer. "Um, I don't know what you mean."

Molly chuckled, "yes, I think you do."

Emilia couldn't help how her mind travelled to the dream she'd had the night she'd stayed at the twins flat, the extremely hot and very non-platonic dream she'd had.

And now his mother was asking what was going on.

Had Fred said something to her? She knew she'd gotten ahead of herself that night in the club, and she vaguely remembered trying to kiss him before he gently put his hands on her shoulders and shook his head, saying something she didn't hear.

She was mortified by the thought, and didn't want Molly to get the wrong idea when she felt her cheeks growing hot, so she panicked.

"Emilia, dear, are you alright?" Molly asked when she didn't answer.

Emilia coughed awkwardly, "oh, no, nothing's going on."

"Really?" Molly raised an eyebrow, "Freddie mentioned you stayed over at theirs last week so-"

"Nope, nothing going on, we're just friends and he was saving me the walk back to mine, that's all," Emilia said quickly, feeling her palms getting clammy with embarrassment.

"Oh, that's a shame," Molly said with a frown.

"Yeah, we're just friends. I wouldn't want to change anything," Emilia said, leaving out the part that she didn't want to change anything and lose him if he didn't feel the same.

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