"well, he wouldn't have bumped his head if i hadn't startled him the way i did, so honestly i should just take the blame," mark argued. donghyuck frowned, "who knows? i might've bumped my head anyway even if you hadn't been there." mark turned to look at him, eyebrows knitting together, "i should've warned you or maybe spoken softer. plus you were reading. it was just dumb for me to do what i did." "the fact that i dropped my book in the first pla-"

   "alright alright, i get it. i won't ask anymore," the nurse quieted the two with a small smile playing at her lips. thats when mark and donghyuck looked at each other and broke out laughing, realizing how stupid their small quarrel had really been. 

   the next ten minutes were spent with the nurse talking about the different shapes of ice and how she wished she had round and circular ones rather than the oddly shaped crescents that she had. donghyuck just sat on the bed with his hands on his lap trying to stifle a giggle and mark actually contributed to the conversation which made the whole thing even funnier.

   "here," the nurse said to mark after filling a plastic ziploc bag with ice. she handed him the bag and mark grabbed a soft towel, gently wrapping it around the bag before crouching before donghyuck. 

   "look at me."

   their eyes made contact for a split-second and both immediately looked elsewhere. to ease the tension that had just started to build up, mark cracked a friendly smile and used one hand to direct donghyuck's face. he brought the bag up to his head and the sun kissed male flinched before he sighed in content.


   "better," he nodded.

   the sound of the nurse clearing her throat stole their attention as they both looked her way. she was slipping on a coat and grabbing some papers. "i have a brief meeting now with some of the other staff, don't get to class any later than first period. homeroom isn't important so it's alright with me if you skip that one and i'll let your teacher know that i had you two here," she smiled.

   "thank you miss," donghyuck said timidly. "of course, she laughed, "just let me know who your teacher is." "we have mr. oh," mark answered. the light in her eyes that had been there seconds before dimmed a bit but the smile remained on her face. "i'll let him know for you," she said quickly, leaving the room without another word. 

   the sound of the door closing seemed to echo in their heads at the sudden silence. "am i the only one who found that weird?" donghyuck asked breathily. mark glanced at donghyuck to shake his head, "no," he turned to look back at the door, "that was pretty weird."


   "so i have art with you?" a voice said next to donghyuck. he looked up and was met face to face with renjun. "oh... hi," he said, unsure how to act. it was strange knowing that renjun was attracted to guys, and it was strange knowing that he knew without the other male knowing. quite confusing, really. 

   "i think we're drawing stuff outside today," renjun smiled, looking excited. "oh really?" donghyuck found himself scooting away before he realized what he was doing and mentally scolded himself.

   just because he's gay doesn't mean that he isn't the same nice and cute guy that i liked talking to from before. renjun is still renjun.... he's just ga-

   "wanna draw the ducks in the pond with me?" renjun asked, a grin plastered on his face. donghyuck paused, unsure what to do. he didn't want to feel weird with renjun just because he had a different sexuality, but at the same time, it would be hard to explain if jaemin or jeno found out. especially jaemin though.

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