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Elizabeth Green laid under a car changing the oil, pondering her life choices. Why'd she decide to stay in town for the past five years? Why'd her brother decide to keep in contact with her after he left town five years ago? And why did he cut off contact three months ago? She knew her brother got into some shady stuff and that's why he left. But she hoped he would come back, his leaving broke the family. And she was the only person who knew the truth around his disappearance, and she didn't tell a soul.  She then heard a car pull up breaking her out of her thoughts. She finished up what she was doing, and pulled herself out from under the car to see a familiar face looking down at her. 

"Hey sis." 

"Jake!" She yelled jumping up excited to see her twin brother for the first time in 5 years. She hugs her twin brother and then asks.

"Where have you been?"

"I'll tell you inside." He says as they walk around back to go into the house.

"Elizabeth..." Gail trails off when she turns around to see her daughter standing with her eldest son, who she hadn't seen or heard from in 5 years.

"Oh Jake! Oh honey! oh you're home!" She says tightly embracing her son.

"You're choking me mom!" Jake says hugging his mom. 

"I thought I heard an annoying voice. Hey brother." Eric says coming into the kitchen suprised to see his brother. 

"Good to see ya." Jake says as he hugs Eric. She then sees Jake starting at something, she follows his stare to see her father in the doorway staring back.

"Oh this is going be interesting."


"I'm not here to interfere with your campaign dad. All I want is your signature, then I'll visit grandpa Then I'm..." Jake says sitting in the living room, talking to his family for the first time in 5 years. 

"It's been five years Jake. That's all you have to say to dad?" Eric says angrily. Elizabeth then gives Eric a stare meaning "stop interfering and let him talk." Elizabeth knows her brothers return wasn't going to go well but she hoped it wouldn't end in a fight.

"It's none of your business"

"It is his business. It is all of our business. What you put this family through" Johnston says mad at Jake for disappearing for 5 years without any word.

"Johnston for gods sake" Gail interferes not wanting another fight between her family. 

"now he could've been." Johnston says, Elizabeth watching her family fight from her seat in the living room.

"I thought this would go a lot different." Elizabeth thinks as her father and brother continue fighting. She wants to interfere but she doesn't want to get pulled into this fight. 

"That went so well the last time I tried to defend Jake." she thinks sarcastically remembering the last fight her family had.

"We could spend a week talking about what I could've been. Alright. I've apologized. I've made amends. This is me now. I have a plan, but I need my money to make a clean start." Jake says trying to convince his dad to let him have the money his grandfather left him in the will.

"Hm, wonder what this plan is." Elizabeth thinks.

"It's not your money. It's your grandfathers money."

"I know. But he gave it to me for a reason."

"and he gave me authority over it for a reason."

"You convince me you're leading a more productive life and then.."

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