Chapter 5 The cow

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I was watching Tommy and Ghostbur sleep, when I got tired of it, and left the dirt hut but stayed close by them.

I saw some cows nearby and killed one, so I could get some food for myself, and some for Tommy and Ghostbur when they wake up.

I went over to the dirt hut dragging the cow with me and began to skin them and take out their organs and such.

The sun began rising and I started getting wood and started a fire to cook the beef

I had sharpened a stick with my sword and then stuck some of the meat on the stick so I could hold it over the fire.

I sat down on the ground and held the beef over the fire.

Ghostbur came out of the hut and sat beside me.

Ghostbur looked at me "are you making breakfast?" He asked me

I nodded to him so he knew that he didn't have to find any food.

The meat was almost finished when Tommy came out of the dirt. He looked at me and Ghostbur.

"So Nightmare why are you working for dream?" Tommy asked while sitting down on the ground.

  "He saved my life, I owe him." I said as emotionless as possible.


I took the meat off the fire and cut it up in 3 portions and put it on some big leaves that I found while finding the wood for the fire.

I handed them the leaves with the meat on them

"Eat with your hands" I told them

We began eating, we ate in silence.

"I will find metariels so we can survive" Tommy told us, but mostly Ghostbur.

Tommy got up and I followed closely after as I would not disappoint Dream and get killed.
I followed tommy around the entire day and when the sun began getting lower. I made us food again we are the rest of the cow so we didn't make it rot and kill a cow for nothing. 

When they went to sleep I waited until they fell asleep and then slept as well as I didn't get any sleep the previous night.

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