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POVs Omniscient

It wasn't long before Jugyeong was told that he had little life left, maybe it would be days, months or even hours.

SeoJun and Jugyeong were on the bed, the former hugging Jugyeong into a spoon shape.

Then Jugyeong spoke, breaking the silence.

— I wish to see the stars before...

SeoJun turned her so that she was face to face, making their lips about to touch due to their closeness.

— I promised you that I would take you to them and to the Moon, and it is something that I am going to fulfill. — He interrupted her, he didn't want to hear the words that were going to come out next, he didn't want to hear the "before I'm gone forever."

— Seo-SeoJun... — Tears welled up in both of their eyes.

— You'll see them, even if it's the last thing I do...— SeoJun says as he wipes away the tears running down Jugyeong's cheeks.

Seojun slowly pulls her closer to him, making their lips collide and the two melt into a deep kiss.

After one month

SeoJun sent an email to NASA, as a free trip to space for two was up for auction, he had to write a story, and he wrote his story together with Jugyeong.

And they won, they will see the Moon and the stars from the rocket.

— I'm excited, SeoJun — Jugyeong says smiling, while buckling her seatbelt.

SeoJun smiles back at her.

The rocket was going to launch shortly.












POVs SeoJun:

It was a long journey but you could already see the stars...

— Look SeoJun, that star is beautiful! — Jugyeong shouted euphorically as if she were a little girl, and that was her illusion since she was little.

— They are as beautiful and bright as you, my little star. I said with a smile, making Jugyeong blush.

We went through a path of stars and they led to the moon.

Jugyeong's eyes shone like never before, no one could break her happiness in those moments.

And I'm glad for that, because she deserves the best in the world.

Unfortunately, the trip was very short, so the rocket turned around to go home.

We entered the ozone layer with problems, the rocket destabilized, I grabbed Jugyeong's hand and she held me back with great force.

Every time the rocket fell her grip got looser and looser, I thought she wasn't scared and she was trying to tell me to calm down because nothing bad was going to happen.

The rocket stabilized and Jugyeong's hand on mine no longer had any strength, I turned to see her and she had her eyes closed.

— ¿Jugyeong? — I asked with fear — my princess? — I shook her gently, waiting for some response from her, but she had no movement or sound to tell me she was conscious.

I was scared at this point.

— ¿J-Jugyeong? — Tears came from my eyes imagining the worst.

That she was dead.

The rocket landed, and I ran out of there grabbing Jugyeong in princess form.

— A DOCTOR, PLEASE! — I screamed and cried.

Luckily there were doctors to check that everyone was okay.

I already lost her.

Two hours, the doctors were with Jugyeong for two hours.

— Im Jugyeong's relatives?

I got up running — M-me.

— As you know, Jugyeong was terminally ill. — I nodded with what little strength I had left — Jugyeong... has died from that disease, her organs stopped working, we're so sorry boy, she's already in a better place...

I agreed, I left devastated, I had no family to count on, our friends were far away...


— I know which star you're in, because now you're my little star. My dreams were shattered the moment you left, I bought you a star before you died, it was your anniversary present... Now I don't need to show it to you because I know that that star is you, Im Jugyeong, my other half and now my star, I love you. — I said that while crying.

Saying that, I buried the necklace where it said the coordinates of where the star was located.

Saying that, I buried the necklace where it said the coordinates of where the star was located

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