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Sayuri's head was spinning. She couldn't get Muzan's irrational outrage. She was aware that he detested Giichi, but this went beyond that. She was unsure of what Muzan's melancholy was about despite being able to understand that it wasn't about his hatred. However, she made the decision to question him straight up. She took out her phone and texted him to meet at Sakuro's. 

The graduation after party going on there. Their seniors had graduated. Sayuri saw her role model, Maisie Carter and had a conversation with her.

 They were interrupted by a girl with short brown hair and a purple wrestling outfit. 

Just then, Muzan arrived. 

"Have you chosen yet?" He asked her.

"I just wanted to ask you something. Can't I even talk to my friend without him talking bad about my bf?" Sayuri said."Anyways, Why do you have a problem if I date?"

"Because I-" Muzan was interrputed. The brown haired girl was beating up another girl with red hair; Sayuri knew her as one of the school bullies, Madison.  

Before long, Madison was bleeding, and had to be taken to the hospital. 

The brown haired girl; Asuka, Had finally calmed down. She whispered something in Maisie's ear, and they left together. 

Muzan finally said"It's because I love you" He had a sad look in his eyes. 

Sayuri was beyond shocked. She ran away without saying anything, Leaving Muzan to his own thoughts.

He thought he had scared her. He felt like crying. He went back home.

He thought for hours, didn't leave home for days, no meals and all he thought about was Sayuri. It made him suicidal.

He left his apartment after days, Finally deciding to end his life. 

He stood at the bank of 天塩川 (Taeshio river), recalling Sayuri's smiling face for the last time, before jumping in. 

In the river, something strange happened. He had closed his eyes, but upon not feeling anything, he opened them. He was in the river, yes, but he could breathe. In front of him, there was someone. Him. He looked at another version of himself in horror.  It was smirking.

"Who are you" Muzan asked in a trembling voice

"Me? I am Muzan Kibutsuji, The creator of demons, born to be the most powerful being in existence."

"Why do you look like me?"

"I don't look like you, I AM you. Such a disgrace, taking your own life for a mere human. You really are different from youself. Just imagine, the creator of all demons, the one who lived over a thousand years, took up more than 6 wives, killing himself over a mere human he 'loves'. What a shame to my name"

"Sayuri is not just a human. She is my love"

"Love? The one who is in love with that stupid water hashira, Chose that human over you?"

"I'm a human too. And what did you call Giichi? " Muzan spoke through gritted teeth. He was getting angry because what his other self said was true.

"See, that's where you get it wrong. You are the creator of all demons. You always get what you want. If you really like her, get her. By hook, or by crook. The hashira shouldn't be able to get what's yours. "

This caught Muzan's attention. He wanted Sayuri to be his no matter what.

So he swam up, with memories of his past life. He knew what he had to do. Become a demon again, and make Sayuri his.


Sayuri was pacing back and forth her front yard. She hadn't heard from Muzan in days, it was making her worried.

Hayami was there too, calling Muzan again and again. She finally gave up.

"This is all your fault. What the heck did you say to him!!!!" Hayami screamed at Sayuri.

"It's not that important. He should be found. That's all that matters" Sayuri replied calmly.

After an hour or so, Akira arrived. Sayuri had started to feel weird around him. Like the feelings she once had for Giichi.'There is no way I like him,I LOVE Giichi' She thought, but it seemed like she was trying to convince herself.

"So Sayu, any updates on Muzan yet?" Akira asked.

"Hello Akira, your girlfriend's here, why the heck are you talking to her BIGGEST enemy instead of me?!!!" Kazuha snapped at Akira. 

"Aren't you the one who cares about her bf's best friend instead of him?" Akira replied. His calmness was very attractive, Sayuri couldn't help staring at him and Kazuha noticed this.

Kazuha glared daggers at her. She felt jealous.

Muzan returned a while later. 

he had a very strange smirk on his face.

A few days later, Sayuri  found out that  a very famous mystrerious artist, Yushiro had passed away.

Muzan had been very strange after that, completely avoiding sunlight and then he took Sayuri with him, and consumed the blue spider lily. Sayu was confused why he would eat a flower, but shrugged it off.


A few months later the brutal killings started.

And Sayuri had fallen completely in love with Akira.

People were going crazy. Meanwhile, Sayuri confessed to Akira and broke up with Giichi. Giichi started to date Toko, who had just gotten over a cheating Tojuro.

Akira accepted Sayuri and  they dated. Hayami had broken up with Akira and Muzan had rejected her. she was dating Yoshiteru.

Izumi had dated Kiyoshi, but ended up with Sumihiko.

But one day, Akira started behaving strange. 

He was worshipping Muzan.

When Sayuri found out Akira was a demon, She  begged Muzan to make her one too, And he did.

Sayuri was a demon now.

All the kindness vanished from her heart.

She brutally killed humans. 


The group met and discussed the killings. Kanata Kamado said that he had heard about Kiriya Ubayashiki.

They found then met him.

He recognised a lot of them as slayers. Especially Sumihiko. Told them to meet Yushiro.

"But isn't he dead?" Kanata asked.

"He's a demon, he never truly dies" 


They met Yushiro, the only demon and they showed him a picture of Sayuri.

He said "Tamayo?"

He felt his nonexistent heart break, but still told them about nichirin and helped them with his blood demon art.

When Sumihiko cut Akira's head off with his Ancestor's nichirin sword, Sayuri killed Muzan and then herself by coming to sunlight.

                                                   ~The end~

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