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Mor had flown in with Cassian, Feyre with Rhys and Amren with Azriel. Nyx, Aria and Catrin remained silent as they waited on the balcony for the Inner Circle to arrive. And waited for all of them to walk inside first before they did.

They all gathered around the long table of the dining room. Amren told everyone she'd never heard of time traveling portals before, and there had been nothing in the books she owned.

"My spies have come back to me and some of the creatures have been apprehended," Azriel stated. The way he said the last word gave no space for doubt. The monsters had been eliminated.

Catrin had always heard her father was known for being cold and scary. But he'd always been kind and loving with his children. He called them his life and never once raised his voice at them or hit them or said anything hurtful. Instead, he's always made sure they knew they were loved and they never lacked of anything.

So at odds with the male before her who looked at her like a stranger.

Had he refrained from teaching his children the perks of his job because he didn't want to show them this side of himself?

"You said about two dozen monsters made it through the portal, correct?" The Shadowsinger asked Nyx who nodded. "Then we shouldn't need a big army to take care of the problem."

Rhys acquiesced and added that they should keep everything on the low for now.

"I propose we go this afternoon to the Middle," Cassian said. "Just Az and I, to survey the grounds."

"We can go with you," Aria cut in. "We'll cover more ground this way."

"No," Cassian barked. "We need to remain discreet. Two is more than enough. We'll come back as soon as we're done."

"This is only a spying mission," Feyre offered softly. "We won't keep you from the attack."

Reluctantly, and with Nyx elbowing her lightly, Aria agreed. "Are we done with this meeting then?" she asked, coldly.

"For now, yes," Rhys answered. "Azriel and Cassian need to prepare. Amren, Feyre, Mor and I will go to the library to find out more about time traveling portals."

"May I use the training pit?"

"Of course," the High Lord nodded.

Aria lowered her head in thanks and left.

"Can I walk you there?" her father asked as she walked by him.

But she brushed him off with a cold : "I know the way." The General's eyes turned sad at the rejection.

"I think we should go with her," Catrin offered, having no desire to see her mother at this time. The silence in the room was suffocating so Nyx and Catrin took their leave and headed upstairs to the training pit.

Aria had wasted no time and was already punching relentlessly at the dummy. Catrin stepped toward her, "We'll find the monsters and destroy them. Nothing will happen to your mother, I promise. Then we'll find a way to get home."

Aria flared her nostril as she stopped punching. "They're strangers," she murmured. "I've known them my whole life and it's like I don't know them at all," her blue-gray eyes were filled with sorrow as she looked at her cousins. "Do you feel the same way?"

Both Catrin and Nyx nodded. "I feel... frustrated," the latter admitted.

"And the painting..." Aria huffed, shaking her head.

"That's petty," Catrin clicked her tongue. "And the way they talk about her. As if she's some kind of nuisance..."

Nyx frowned, looking down. His frustration was written all over his face. Catrin put her hand on his shoulder. "How about lunch? It's almost noon. Some food would be welcome. Then we can take the afternoon to ourselves until we have further news." She turned to Aria. "Come on, you get even angrier when you're hungry."

A Court of Love and DevotionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora