Delilah kept nodding her head and waved her kiddo off. The view of the tan skin plum lady in her favorite green flora sundress, high bun, and a big pink suitcase next to her was disappearing when Drew looked over her shoulder to see her nanny once again at the exit of the terminal.


Another week passed, and Drew could cope living alone in her house without Delilah since they still kept in touch from time to time whenever they could. Besides, she had to stay up late because her work piled up after Nancy took her maternity leaves.

Drew had to take over Nancy's admin paperwork, and she was thankful Giselle was like another pair of hands for her. With her quick learning and attentive skills, she could speed up their work and help take the weight of the burden from Drew's shoulders.

They didn't have much time to talk asides from lunch break, but Drew was happy they could at least spend their precious 50 minutes phone call when they were driving home.

Drew checked the time it was 8 p.m. and she decided to chill a little before she was ready to go home and would spend her weekend rushing a dateline job for next week's meeting. She was thinking she could take back the report from Giselle and continue it herself because she wanted her cutie friend to take a short break after all her effort in helping. She shouldn't be spending her time working at home on the weekend.

Drew turned the volume up a bit when her favorite K-pop song was playing on the radio station which she had linked to on her PC. It was relaxing and nice whenever she was listening to help relieve the stress, and she happily hummed along with the lyrics. Meanwhile, she heard a soft and cute voice across from her.

It was an adorable view to look at the brunette happily humming and bobbing her head while jotting something in her notebook. However, Drew couldn't help but grin while she was humming when she found out they seemed to be in sync on the song.

They kept this humming for a few beats and Giselle whipped her head with her light brown eyes shot wide and grinned, "Are you listening to Black Pink's Pink Venom?"

A wave of giggles filled the office, Drew and Giselle found they easily had a lot in common with each other. It wasn't a surprise that they would enjoy listening to the same music, and Drew only nodded her head. The adorable brunette's face was pinkish after too much laughter as she started composing her breathing and asked, "Who do you like in this band?"

Drew hummed softly while looking at the brunette's light brown eyes and said, "I like Lisa. She has beautiful big eyes."

"Oh, I like Jennie, her eyes are so sexy!" Giselle grinned as her eyes were gazing at her senior's eyes.

They fell into silence and Drew wondered if she should look away or stay when she realized the brunette was still gazing into her eyes. "I always think small eyes are pretty because they always look like they're smiling. Hmmm... just like yours."

Drew almost got choked with her own spit when she was swallowing since she never get a nice compliment about her eyes like that. Instead, her parents and nanny always joked that they couldn't see her eyes whenever she was smiling. The taller girl realized her face was heated and she quickly cleared her throat to distract the brunette's attention from her face, "I'm gonna go home early. Want to go with me?"

"Okay!" Giselle just chimed in and was ready to pack her stuff.

After the pair claimed their car in the parking lot, when Drew was ready to open her car door, she was interrupted by her phone vibration in her suit pants pocket. Drew chuckled and knew the brunette wanna declare a winner as she picked up the phone, but the brunette sounded panicked from another line, "Oh my! Drew, I can't start my car."

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