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Your throat hurt so bad from screaming

Your legs were tired...

You couldn't give up, though! You were on the run from HIM again. After six months of gaining his trust, you managed to get out of that fucking shed! You ran as soon as you could.
You couldn't tell if he was following you anymore. You were too scared to check... You kept running, running, running, and running.
You just wanted to go home and sleep... You missed your friends and your family.
Why'd he take them all away?? What for?? He doesn't really love you.

Does he?

You can't help but wonder while RUNNING...

Does he really love me?

You don't notice how wet it had gotten from the rain

You trip and hit your head...

Before you close your eyes, you see HIM.

"Oh, poor mouse... Let's go home now." He laughs, picking you up.

"You've been a bad mouse. I'll have to punish you, yknow!" He laughs even more, talking to your sleeping body.

"Bad mouse. Bad. Bad mouse, bad mouse, Bad mouse, bad mouse, Bad mouse, bad mouse, Bad mouse, bad mouse, bad mouse..." He repeated to himself, walking home with you in his arms.

Why did you keep RUNNING

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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Jeff The Killer ♡ Headcanons & Scenarios ♡ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora