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3rd POV

In an unspecified place, on an unspecified date and in an unspecified building, we can see a boy around 25 years old with light brown hair, light brown eyes, a red scarf that goes down to his knees, a red T-shirt with the symbol of the white lightning bolt, a yellow jacket and… well, you already know who I'm talking about if you've played the game. Right now he's fighting robots armed with a stick that can pick up waste that when magnetically attracted forms an electric guitar, and this too was already understood. Rather we should ask ourselves how he ended up doing what he is doing, so why don't we ask him directly?

1st POV

???: As exciting as this scrapping metal ass might be right now, I'm still very confused as to how I ever ended up doing this when it's only been a month since the game's release and I'm pretty sure it's still too much early for a self-insert but still since no one has thought of doing this I guess he's the first to do it so it will make the story one of the most viewed.

I then noticed that from the fourth wall I was being watched while I was fighting and so everything around me turned gray and everyone stopped except me of course. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to the screen and took it.

???: Hi everyone! My name is Chai but you will surely know me for those who have played Hi-fi Rush who will surely also know it as the game that has sold the most compared to Forspoken. However let's not talk about the original story now but let's move on to this bizarre self-insert written by our nice lazy author.

From behind then appears a dark corridor from which the author comes out.

Author: Hey! I'm not lazy. 😡

???: Yes, yes, right.

Then I move closer to the screen and cover my mouth lightly with my hand so I can whisper.

Chai: He's actually even worse than Richard Waterson from Gumball.

Author: I heard it! And if you don't stop, I swear that history will go the same way as Remnant entertainment duelist.

Hearing it, I turn around and begin to pray to the author that this doesn't happen.

Chai: Please, please, don't do this. I don't want what is happening to the Yuya Sakaki of your story to happen to me before I even have my moment to shine.

The author gives me a death stare that lasts a few minutes and then finally turns away.

Author: Consider yourself lucky that this is how I'm structuring you so if you really have to put me in the way make sure it's something serious otherwise I'll make sure that the original Chai becomes a kind of ghost who will always be behind you who will annoy you with his idiocy for the duration of this story.

He paled to hear it so I decided to go along with it.

Chai: Okay, I promise to do it but please I don't want that idiot near me even if he is a ghost.

Author: Alright, see you.

And with that he goes back into the dark corridor and then disappears leaving me alone again.

Chai: (puff)

I take the fourth wall back in my hand and bring it back to my face level.

Chai: Damn, it was close. Anyway, I bet you just got curious about what Author-kun was talking about when he was talking about the original Chai, so you need to read the story and pay close attention.

I put the fourth wall on the wall and compose my guitar made of garbage.

Chai: Now that the introduction has been done, let me welcome you to A Real Defect, my self-insert story on Hi-fi Rush.

After saying that I hit the fourth wall with my guitar and everything goes black as the credits roll along with the music.

Author: Idiot! The fourth wall shouldn't be destroyed, by doing so you made a big mess!

What? Why is Author-kun here again and what did he mean by that.

Chai: Why? What happens?

Suddenly the wall shatters and music stopped while we were sucked towards it.

Author: We're about to end up in the reader's room!!!

We both started screaming and then everything went black.

3rd POV

And with that everything that had appeared on the screen appears in your room and then writings that form the title of the story land on the protagonist, crushing him as the author grabs onto the closest thing there is only to then pass out again saying one last thing to our idiot protagonist.

Author: Say goodbye to your pay Chai, because you will repay the damages with it.

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