"Right," Harry said. "Well see you later then." He glanced at me as I sent him a reassuring smile which he returned as he followed Mr. Weasley upstairs and along the hall. I grabbed another coffee before heading up to my room much to Mrs Weasleys protests about needing to have some food. After setting my cup down on my bedside table I glanced at the parchment I'd left on my bed to see a message from Charlie

Morning Nova you're up early. Is everything okay?

I grab my quill and reply.

Just couldn't sleep that's all. Today's Harry's hearing

He doesn't take long to reply

He'll be fine

I know, he's Harry. It's just we're still not talking

He'll come around soon, he's just stubborn a lot like you

I am not stubborn

Sure Nova, how long did it take for you to admit you was in love with me

That wasn't stubbornness Charles, that was denial that you would feel the same


I miss you. Are you coming to any meetings yet.

I miss you too and not yet I'm sorry

It's not your fault

I know but I'm still sorry. Anyway I've got to get to work. I love you and I'll talk to you later

Love you too Charlie

I place the parchment away in my drawer before grabbing my coffee. After finishing my coffee I decide to have a quick shower grabbing some leggings and a t-shirt I'm pretty sure I stole from George before heading into my bathroom. I get in the shower without looking at myself in the mirror. After showering I quickly dress and put my hair into two French braids before heading back into my room to grab a jumper. As I'm searching for a jumper I hear a knock on my door.

"Yeah" I call out still searching for Charlies jumper.

"It's me can I come in" Bill shouts back.

"Yeah it's unlocked" The door opens as Bill walks in "What's up Pillock" He sends me an unamused look as I continue to search for the jumper.

"I've got something for you"

"What's that" I stop searching for a second to look at him.

"It's actually two things, first is from Remus" He hands me some more cream for my burns and a bar of my favourite chocolate.

"Chocolate, awesome" I take it from him as he laughs.

"Second thing" He walks towards the door and opens it to reveal someone.

"Charlie" I say in disbelief as Bill leaves my room shutting the door behind him. Charlie opens his arms and I happily walk into them as his lips meet mine before pulling away slightly "What are you doing here"

"Surprising you, although I'm lucky to be alive. Remus and Sirius cornered me" I laugh slightly.

"At least you're in one piece" He glares at me playfully before kissing me again.

"I've missed you"

"I've missed you too" I mutter against his lips as my door opens.

"Door stays open and 10 inches between you" Pad's says glaring at Charlie.

"Seriously Pad's"

"Yes seriously young lady" he gives Charlie another glare before walking out.

"Love you Pad's" I call after him and hear him mutter.

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