Season 1 Episode 8-"Love on the dance floor"

Start from the beginning

Abby: Kelly, Diane, come down here for a minute, I need to talk to you. Brooke, you and Brandon, are carrying this number. So, I need chemistry, I need something and if you two wouldn't mind. I'm going to send them on a date. But you two need to but out of it, don't get a table for four, get a table for two then another table for two. Let them do their own thing.

Me and the girls were laughing a bit in the corner because Miss Abby is making Brooke and Brandon go on a date. I bet it's going to be really awkward.

This week everyone's in the group dance except Mackenzie, but it's okay because Mackenzie has a solo that is unaired, Also, Abby asked for me and Brandon to do our duet which is going to be unaired too. Nia has a solo, Maddie has a solo and I have a solo. Nia is in the junior category whilst me and Maddie are in the mini category. Let the best dancer win.

It was the next day and us girls were sitting outside with Abby.

Abby: We're here at Starpower in sunny muggy, hot Orlando. And they have a pageant. Every one of you have been registered. We don't know who's gonna qualify, so right now, we're all gonna rehearse as if you made it and then whoever makes it will be ready. Brooke, stand up. Go ahead upstage. Look at her walk.

Then Abby made a buzzing noise before she stood up and stared walking which was really funny to watch.

Abby: Mackenzie, what's your favourite acrobatic trick?

Mackenzie didn't say anything, so Abby blew her whistle and told Mackenzie to look down.

Abby: Nia, tell us the heritage of your name.

Nia: May I please ask you what that word means?

Abby just shook her head before looking at me, thankfully I know what to do since I've done a pageant before.

Abby: Y/N, what do you like to do when you're not dancing?

Y/N: I would have to say that when I'm not dancing I like to spend time with my family.

Abby: Good, that's how it's done, if you get up on stage and you freeze or you stutter you're gonna look like an idiot in front of all those people. The most important thing is that you do not panic. Pull your thoughts together, take a deep breath, and answer the question. Does everyone understand?

Abby then sent us to rehearse for the pageant with our moms.

The day before the competition Abby had invited us over to her house in Orlando just to spend the day there and have some fun before the competition.

Abby: My mom, the one and only Maryen Lorrain is home.

I met Abby's mom and thought she was sweet which is way different to Abby.

After some time, we had some food, then Abby decided to push Brooke and some of the other girls into the pool.

Then they started playing a game with a watermelon and it looked a little rough, so I didn't join in.

After a day full of fun at Abby's house, we went back to the hotel, the other girls went to their rooms whilst me and mom went and found a room we could rehearse my solo in. Also, we had messaged Diane, Brandon's mom to see if they wanted to practice the duet a little bit.

After a few minutes of me running my solo, Brandon had come in, so we practiced the duet before heading to our rooms.

It was the first day of the competition. Today we were performing duets, the group dance and the solos that qualified for the pageant. We had found out that only me, Maddie and Brooke qualified for the pageant. And Abby is expecting one of us to win.

Maddie was dancing first; I watched her dance, and her dance was beautiful. When Maddie finished it was my turn next.

Announcer: Please welcome our next performer, Y/N, with 'Storm'

I thought I did good; I just hope the judges liked my performance.

I went back to the dressing room to change into my dress for the speech part of the pageant.

I watched Maddie do her speech on stage and noticed that she stuttered. So, I hope that I don't mess it up too.

I walked on to the stage with a smile on my face.

Y/N: Good evening, Ladies, Gentlemen and Judges, my name is Y/N Edwards and I'm 7 years old from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I hope you enjoyed my performance this evening. Thank you so much for having me here.

I did a little curtesy before walking off the stage.

Eventually they brought all the pageant contestants and their parents onto the stage.

Announcer: Our second runner up of the night is... Juliana.

According to some people Juliana is Maddie's biggest competition, but I don't think so, I think I am.

Announcer: Our first runner up is...Maddie.

Maddie came second, maybe I could win this.

Announcer: And our winner tonight is Y/N!

I had received a crown, a banner, and a trophy which was twice the size of me. It felt great to win.

Announcer: Who is your teacher?

Y/N: Miss Abby Lee Miller.

I bowed for the audience before leaving the stage to get ready for the group dance.

We performed the group dance. It is still not my favourite. Also, we didn't place which means Abby won't be happy.

Day 2 of the competition was just a day full of solos, everyone was performing, but only Nia's was going to be aired.

Before we left the competition, Abby said she had some news. Abby told us that we're going to Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and then to Lake Tahoe. It's going to be crazy the next few weeks. 

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