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THE NEXT MORNING the dining room was  filled with chatter, no doubt talking about the sudden appearance of their unknown Commoner Vice-Captain

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THE NEXT MORNING the dining room was filled with chatter, no doubt talking about the sudden appearance of their unknown Commoner Vice-Captain. Not that the knight's of the Silver Eagle's paid much attention to who their Vice-Captain was, they just figured it was either Nebra or Solid.

The door to the dining room burst open as the said person in centre of everyone's conversation entered, sweat was dripping down the side of her face, a glass of orange juice in one hand and a pen twirling around in another.

Though the commotion increased when they realised what she was wearing. Ai's pitch black hair was tied up in a high ponytail as she sprouted a pair of loose black pants and a large crop top that was almost sliding of her should, showing the strap of her black sports bra underneath.

"Hmph look at the commoner she doesn't even have proper clothes to wear," A voice commented from within the filled room as silence descended upon them waiting for their so called Vice Captain's reaction, "Honey it's called Fashion, which you clearly lack! But don't worry I'm sure your lack of common sense makes up for it!"

The said girl turned red as a few snickers were heard, Commoner or not the women had a mouth on her.

Once again like before the door to the dining room burst open but this time the Captain strut in, in a not so good mood.

Nozel's usual calm dementor was rather agitated, so much so that he wasn't dressed to perfection like always. The Silva's infamous braided bangs were made rather messily and his clothes looked creased, the captain hadn't even bothered to put on his Silver Eagle's Robe.

But what stood out the most was he had something furry in his hand as he marched up to Ai who was casually taking a sip of her orange juice.

"What is this?" The captain demanded holding the apparent black cat in front of Ai's face, the said girl blinked before smiling grabbing the cat from Nozel's hold and snuggling up to it, "There you are!"

"What is that!" Nozel repeated glaring at Ai who looked at him with a nonchalant smile, "Oh this is just a reindeer I picked up on my way...What does it look like genius?" Ai deadpanned at the Captain.

"I don't care if it's a reindeer, a cat or a snake for that matter, what was it doing in my room?!" Nozel seethed out a vein popping out of his forehead, Ai simply ignored him as she ran her finger's through the said animals fur, "It has a name you know, and its Boomer."

" Boomer?! Who names their cat Boo- You know what it's you! I wouldn't be surprised if you had named it Clover for originality!" Nozel hissed out glaring at the owner of the cat that had almost slobbered him to death.

"Hey Clover isn't such a bad name!" Ai hummed thoughtfully as Nozel turned an amazing shade of red, the whole dining room watched the ongoing scene in silence, "That's besides the point!"

To the silver eagles Nozel Silva was their Royal Captain who was stern, calm, composed and cool under pressure yet here he was losing his composure due to the presence of a merry peasant.

"My My such ruckus!" The one and only Captain of the Crimson Lions entered into the chaos, marching into the silver eagles base in all his fiery glory.

"Sup torch light!" Ai greeted the Vermillion cheerfully.

"What are you doing here?!" Nozel seethed still pissed about little Boomer adding fuel to his sleepless night where he wished that he had just a nightmare about Ai returning.

Fuegoleon ignored his rivals question as he looked at the animal in Ai's arms, "Why hello there little Boomer," Nozel watched in disbelief as Fuegoleon continued to pet the little animal, with no regards to Nozel who was literally standing there.

"How do you even know about that creature?!" Nozel questioned as Fuegoleon lifted the said creature into his own arms, "Because Boomer and Ai were at the Vermillion house for the past two weeks," The Captain revealed as Ai's eyes widened as she miserable failed to stop Fuegoleon from blutering out the truth.

"Wha-Why?!" Nozel demanded as Fuegoleon continued to look at the animal not noticing as the temperature dropped, "Read the room Fuegoleon," Ai jabbed an elbow at the Lion who finally looked up to see Nozel glaring at him.

2 weeks?!

Ai had been in town for 2 weeks and Fuegoleon didn't think it was necessary for him, Nozel Silva, Captain of the Silver Eagles, the person who Ai has haunted for the past 16 years, since the day they had met, to know a simply detail such as the fact that his greatest enemy was back in town?!

"Errr- My look at the time you two aren't even ready yet," Fuegoleon said trying to back paddle, "Ready for what?" Nozel questioned trying to contain his anger and the sudden urge to grab his grimoire and end them all, Boomer, Ai and Fuegoleon.

This time Fuegoleon looked genuinely confused, "The Captain's meeting of course, did you not tell him Ai?" A thoughtful look crossed Ai's face before she grinned sheepishly, "Oops?"

That was it.

Even though flame was no where near to Nozel's affinity, flame burst from him as he marched up to Ai, standing right in front of her face, "You-You Just please get dressed!" The plea and anger in his tone were heard from miles away before the Silva head marched out of the room leaving a stunned crowd behind.

A beat of silence passed before Ai's face broke into a Cheshire cat grin, "I feel oddly satisfied."

Fuegoleon snorted, "I see you melted back into your routine of tormenting Nozel." Ai chuckled as she sat on top of a nearby table her aquamarine eyes shining with mirth, "You bet, I didn't know how I lived the past few years without my daily dose of yelling Nozel."

Fuegoleon looked at her arching an eyebrow, "But now your back."

Ai's grin widened further as she took a sip of her orange juice, "Yeah...I'm Back."

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