(Was going to call them The Warrior Unit but that gets used a lot. 😭) 

You on the other hand couldn't wait to see them again! Pieck was your girl! The gossip she could spill was golden. Porco was the man to talk to when it came to sneaking snacks, Reiner had the best skin care tips, Colt was funny, Marco was a sweetheart, and Jean was nice, he could keep a conversation going when you were bored...  Though you doubted you'd be able to talk to Jean a lot.. For Eren's sake.

All well, he'd understand if you kept the conversations short..


You huffed as you covered the bottom bunk bed you picked out with your newly washed sheets. You thanked Hange in your head for getting a bus that had a privacy curtains around them. It wouldn't keep Able's and Keiji's snores out but at least you wouldn't have to look at Moblit when he sleeps. (The guy sometimes slept with his eyes open when he was stressed.. creepy huh?)

The bus was nice, much better than the last one you all had to tour in. This one had roomier beds, a bigger shower/bathroom. Even a little stove you could cook on when you didn't want fast food. Or if you wanted boiling water for the ramen Porco had already agreed to sneak you. ( A real one)..

"Y/n! I'm going to go find Hange! One of my bags are missing!"

Nifa yelled out to you while you told her you'd look around for it. She wasn't one to lose things?

Now it was just you on the big bus. Everyone should be here soon.. The road crew was nearly done packing everything up, The other groups should be on their way...

You groaned when you reached behind a few boxes that piled up at the front of the bus. All gifts from Hange, most likely clothes, make-up, and skin care. He always did this at the start of a tour..

Your hands felt something soft... "Found it!" Nifa's fluffy bag must have fallen over when she placed it down. She must be nervous if she didn't notice it.

Hell, you were getting there.. This was your biggest/ longest tour yet..

You sent her a text but didn't wait for a reply. All the unpacking got you tired. You could take a quick power nap right?at least 20 or so minutes? Your bunk was made, you were unpacked, empty suitcases stored under the bus... Yepp! Good to go!!

The sheets were soft and smelled of Hawaiian Breeze. (Whatever that smelled like? Mainly flowers and pineapple.. They were out of your normal laundry detergent) Your fluffy comforter felt warm.. Just as your eyes started getting heavy footsteps walked up the small steps. Thinking it was Nifa you only reached your arm out from the curtains and pointed to the front. "Found your bag Nifa. I left it on the little table."

But it wasn't Nifa...

A body slid into your blankets. At first you thought it was Able trying to hide from Keiji or Conny? They liked to mess around a lot.

But the soft giggle gave it away. A warm slim body snuggled up to you.

Nanaba sighed as her arms wrapped around your stomach and brought you closer. Making you the little spoon and shoving your face into her chest.

You chuckled into her shirt. Calming down as soon as her perfume invaded your nose. "I missed you too Nanaba."

At that she giggled. "I know I just video called you this morning but.. It's always better when I get to just hold you, y'know.."

You nodded and came up for air. After that first date and a few thousand text/calls... The shyness was gone. Well mostly on Nanabas end but you opened up a little too.

Dance with me? (Nanaba X FReader) Where stories live. Discover now