"Petra! Get a load of this fool!" He called out to who Lukas assumed was the same woman as before.
The woman looked to the men and shook her head.

"Stop trying to intimidate him. The more you scare him, the less cooperative he'll end up being."
She said to the man, he only huffed in annoyance.

"Your no fun!"

Lukas realized that he was lying inside a boat as he felt it rocking from the water. They must have dragged him in after tying him up, but that was less of Porter's concern.
What he was more worried about was where they were taking him to.

Well, to put it more specifically, he was worried about WHO they were taking him to. 

The boat suddenly came to a stop. Lukas heard the woman calling out to someone, he couldn't comprehend what was happening all around him. Suddenly, he felt himself getting dragged by his shirt collar as he was brought off the boat. The new ground he was on felt like wood, was he on some sort of ship? He started panicking. 

"What the hell do you want from me!? If you want my crown so badly then just take it!" He ended up shouting to the woman, but it wasn't any use.

"Oh calm yourself royal boy! Your being as loud as Jesse does-" One of the men tried replying, but ended up getting elbowed by the other man before he could finish.

"Shut up Gill!"

Porter almost started hyperventilating. Was he going to die? They suddenly stopped; he heard many voices coming from all around him. 

"Johnson! Who the hell is that!?" A female voice asked as Porter was pushed to the ground, leaving him on his knees.

"Wait a minute... That's not who I think it is, is it!?" Another male voice questioned; the woman finally spoke up as she placed her hand on the prince's head.

"Yes, it is. Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the prince of Lonia!"

Saying this, Porter's blindfold was removed, and he was able to see his surroundings again. He saw shocked faces stare at him, there were surely more of them than he originally thought. Some of them still questioned Johnson, but she just smirked as she nodded towards one of the female pirates, a brunette-haired girl with blue eyes. She gestured for her to go get someone as the girl ran off.

"Oh please, it wasn't even that hard. The guy pretty much came to us!"  

"He's sure sweating a lot! He must be terrified!"

More questions kept being asked as the people almost surrounded Porter, he started hyperventilating again. He was in the hands of a crew of insane people that only god knows what they want from him. Was he going to die? Were they going to hurt him?

However... He was mostly concerned for what their captain was going to do with him.


- Axel's POV -

I stared out my window just watching the ocean, the waves kept moving as the ship barely rocked from them. It was peaceful to watch, but I was impatiently waiting for Johnson to arrive back with my request.

I took a huff at my cigar, I've started hearing the others getting pumped up for some reason. They were always like that, so I didn't bother to go look.

I probably wouldn't have ever left my cabin, if it weren't for one of them to barge into my room and ruining the peace and quiet I was enjoying.

"Captain!" A female voice called out to me, I sighed as the woman continued.

"Johnson is back! But not just that, she's managed to capture HIM!" 

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